Saturday, January 6, 2024

Jan. 6 Our last Uganda prison crusade


Ministry Partners,

It's a beautiful morning in Masaka, Uganda and as we walked to get breakfast we discovered that a spider in just one night had crossed a large span across the walkway with a fine web thread and at one point stopped to weave a beautiful sparkling web that had caught the dew of the morning.

As the team met for breakfast today we all discovered that sleep last night was sketchie for all of us. Perhaps it was because of the very bad mattresses that felt like they were made of just dry grass and they, I'm told, had huge sinking holes in the middle just like mine.

Breakfast was interesting as it included chicken wings which Alfred seemed to enjoy. I ate my omelette but the guys saved theirs for lunch, I have some leftover pizza to eat and share. I also took some of the cookies for us to have as a snack as after we finish the crusade today since we will be driving to Kampala

We were just a few minutes from Saaza prison but they were already assembling the men prisoners when we arrived and I was happy that they brought the women in and sat them on the side also under a covered porch. That way I was able to speak to both groups at one time. I was impressed by the O.C. as he was young but ever so nice and spoke in a kind manner. He and his staff stayed through the whole crusade with most all of the making decisions at the invitations just like the inmates.

Aaron explained what to look for as I am speaking so I can identify the ones who are struggling and crying, it's how they wipe their face and today many of them were wiping their face. 

At testimony time one woman inmate said she had been in prison for some time and never admitted/confessed to anyone why she was in prison but today she did. She said she identified with my testimony and that her husband had beat her resulting in her killing him. She said she remained angry at him but because of my teaching on forgiveness, she prayed forgiveness over him.

One man inmate said that his sister had sent him to prison for three years and after he was released she sent him back for a second time. He knelt as he spoke and said that all this time that he has been in prison he had been planning revenge by killing her when he got out but today's message was just for him. He received God's free gift of salvation and forgave his sister.

As the inmates were testifying I handed out donated scarves to the women and caps to the babies. I hope you that donate scarves realize that those are a prized gift to the inmates. Thank you.

Today was difficult  for me knowing we had finished all 37 prisons in Uganda and I had to hold back tears as I said goodby to the prisoners.

Then it was a 2 hour drive back to Kampala where we arrived about 3. Alfred left us and took a motor bike back to the airport in Entebbe to get his passport and visa but was unable to connect with the person he needed to connect with. He said he will have to go back tomorrow as it is after 8 now.                         

PLEASE PRAY that he can obtain what he needs tomorrow so we can ALL go to Kenya on Monday.

It is so nice to be back in this guest house, it felt like returning home today when we arrived and the owner is so nice. She came and visited for a while and asked if I wanted her to do anything else to improve the guest house and I said no. I told her how much I liked it here as the team could "live" as a family here. 

Alfred will return from Entebbe sometime tonight and have diner then so Aaron and I ate dinner together, spaghetti and pineapple coleslaw. It was good and we were hungry.

I am thankful for a good mosquito net and good mattress to lay down on tonight.

Blessings to each of you.

That none would be lost,


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad the women like the scarves. I've already got a start of another bag for you. Praying for you and the team. God bless you!
