Sunday, January 21, 2024

Jan. 21 Sunday services at Penuel Revival Church

 Ministry Partners,

We had a late breakfast at 8:45 before leaving for the drive to the church that was to have taken 30 min. but because of the traffic jam caused by all the people going to the Catholic Martyrs Shrine (This shrine is dedicated to the young Baganda men who were martyred for their faith)  so it was 10:30 when we got there. It was a small village church whose pastor's name was Emmanuel and his wife's name was Annette. The pastor told the congregation, of about 100, and me, that I was the first white woman to ever come to the village.

It was a former church of Pastor Aaron's and I was glad that Pastor Aaron had not filled me in on issues in the church. As they were singing worship music the speakers in the church were turned so loud that my ears hurt and I had to retreat back to the van and wait until they started giving announcements.

I shared my testimony and preached pretty much the same message that I share at the prisons. But when I finished reading Eph.4:32, "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." I looked up and saw the pastor crying. I was thankful so many responded to the salvation prayer as well as to the forgiveness prayer but when I asked them to get up and apologize to anyone they had had an argument with they all stood up and started going to each other including the pastor and his wife, it took some time as no one wanted to sit down.

I learned later that almost everyone had left the church over a misunderstanding but when they found out a muzungu (me) was coming to speak they returned today to hear what I had to say. Go figure, and I came to talk not only about God's free gift of salvation but forgiveness, reconciliation and apologizing!!!! I am so glad I knew nothing about the situation as I spoke and challenged freely.

After I finished the pastor got up and broke into tears as he apologized and asked for forgiveness then he forgave everyone in the church. What a powerful work of the Holy Spirit today. He had some very kind words for me and then gave me an envelope with some shillings inside. I assured him that I would use it to continue sharing the gospel.

I savored each moment today as Alfred and Aaron translated for me and we did our object lessons together. I have no words to express how much I am going to miss the men of God they are and the way they work hard to take care of the day to day details not to mention the way they look after and care for me.

As church finished two came forward and gave testimonies as to how the message today touched their hearts. And all the small children came forward and received a crochet cap and all the men received 2 new ties. I felt bad that I did not have scarves for the women except for the one I gave Annette with a shopping bag.

After church, a typical African meal, was served to everyone in the church. It was the first time I had ever tasted pineapple/beet juice. Lets just say it would not be my favorite.

As we were leaving the pastor and his wife came to the car and she handed me a gift bag with an authentic ceremonial Ugandan dress, called Gomesi, inside. The photo speaks for itself, the pointy shoulders would take some getting used to.

It was a wonderful day and only 4 more remain.

That none would be lost,



  1. What a wonderful way to end your time in Africa, watching the Holy Spirit accomplish His work one more time, in a church, not a prison!

  2. Another good day to share God's word and have people be at church and understand how to stay strong in the Lord. You look beautiful the in dress you were given. God bless and have good and safe days ahead!! I look forward to seeing you soon!
