Ministry Partners,
Today started out hot and sunny and of all days we had to go to the City Center for Alfred to exchange some
IRM money for schillings and to purchase more air time so I could continue to post the blogs. Today it cost $30, again, so I will be
even more diligent in how I use it and do the blog writing in an open blog page but not connected to the internet and when I am ready to add photos and actually post then I will connect to the internet. We will see if that will take me up to flight time next Monday. With all the traffic,people and blacktop it seems even hotter there. Aaron and I would need to wait in the hot car for Alfred to return, it's just faster when he does those kinds of errands alone.
Pastor Aaron actually fell asleep as I played Solitaire on my iPhone.
Pastor Geoffrey arrived a short time before Alfred returned and then it was off to >>>>>>>> Prison. I try so hard to get good unusual shots as we travel but inevitably when I turn the camera off to save the battery then there is not time to turn it back on before I have missed capturing it. Like the camel, a motor bike
piled high with open flats of raw eggs or the lady with about 20 stools stacked on her head as she walked down the edge of the road. Sorry about that, I'll try better!
It's nice having air conditioning in the van but then when you get out you really feel the heat.
Arlene at Mpigi Prison |
We arrived safely at Mpigi Prison and the OC said I could have a photo with her for my report BUT I would have to wait until she went home to put on her regulation blouse and she had on a regular summer dress, she assured us that she lived close.
There were not quite 100 at this prison with 8 being women, I did not see any children. As the men were seeing to it that the inmates unloaded the van and took everything to the appointed place I asked if I could use the toilette and a small brick structure just outside the confines of the prison was pointed out to me. I knew I was headed for a pit toilette but at that point it did not matter but as I was walking back up the knoll to the van a woman that was washing her clothing in a tub spoke, Lugandan, and held out a bar of soap and a container of water. Goodness, how thoughtful of her to provide a way for me to wash my hands even though I could not communicate with her. As soon as I had washed my hands I made my way to the van and got a scarf and tract, asked Alfred the Lugandan word for "Thank you" and made my way back to where the woman was working. We really did not need words as we smiled at each other and I put the scarf in her hands but I still tried to pronounce what Alfred had told me. Maybe her broad smile was because of the way I
tried to pronounce it but it really did not matter.
The prisoners were already assembled under a porch like area when we got inside, while the women were seated under a shade tree on some grass while the translators and I were once again in the direct sun. While the men finished setting up I went over and greeted all the women. I can so tell from their reaction that it is not something they are used to. I was glad that this prison had electricity as then I could use my headset and not a handheld mic..
I can tell you that once I start preaching I really don't notice the sun but for a brief time I did notice the bit of shade produced by a cloud, thank you Jesus! And I did notice that the OC had returned wearing her official blouse & outfit. She as well as the guards stayed through the crusade and discipleship time and when we finished she had some very positive thing to say about what we taught as did one of the prisoners.
The Holy Spirit did an amazing job again today in the hearts of the inmates and officials.
The drive home was long but I guess in good preparation for tomorrow as we will travel even longer to get to that prison but I will write more about that tomorrow.
You know some things you just take for granted until you don't have it. Although I have a huge bathtub here I have not had a nice hot bath since I have been here and cold showers/baths are not my first choice. Besides it would be SO helpful for my back and legs, after bouncing around all day on these roads, if I could just "soak" for awhile in a hot bath. WELL, tonight I finally got one and I can tell you I did not want to even get out for dinner. I was so thankful that I did go to the front desk and thank them as I wanted them to know how much I appreciated it.
Hoof of cow |
Alfred finally did it ......... he had "hoof of cow" for dinner w/ french fries while I had salad and spaghetti. I know .....I'm not a very adventurous eater but oh well!!!!
Are days are winding down but we are not, there is still much to be done. During our prayer time today Pastor Aaron thanked God for the safety He has provided this team in all the travels we have done here over the less than desirable roads and I was reminded to thank you again for your prayer covering. It is so appreciated.
That none would be lost,