Sunday, December 17, 2023

Dec. 17


Ministry Partners,

Just how much can you pack on top of a car?

Thank you for praying for the team and me. Last night I slept from 10 to 2:30, 4 1/2 hours without waking up then went back to sleep until 5:30. Usually I am awake every 1 1/2 to 2 hours. and don't return to sleep well. All that wonderful sleep caused me to rise this morning feeling REALLY well and more energized than I have been since I arrived here. Thanks again for the prayers.

Today for some reason they were late bringing our breakfast today so we ate a bit and packaged the rest for us to take with us.

Kauga Prison with 196 men and 24 women inmates is on the list for today. So it appears we will be speaking to two different groups today. When there are only a few women they sometimes bring them in to sit on the side with assigned guards. It will be interesting to see that God has planned for today.

Today did not go as we had planned in that they did not bring the women in to listen and we were not allowed to go into their area. Because it was a Sunday the O.C. was not there to receive us and the ones who did made sure EVER page of my teaching folder was searched as was my bible and all our object lessons were scrutinized. (not sure what they were looking for). And not sure why they had to intently check my cough drops. The officer that opened the door for us "accused" Alfred and I of bring in bottles of anointing oil which we assured her was flavored water for us to drink which we drank some in front of her. Alfred went out to the van and brought in for her a water flavor and bottle of water so she could see we were telling the truth. Sometimes when the O.C. is not there those left in charge want to show you their power. They held us for over half an hour before letting us in.

But the men listened intently and responded to each invitation. Again God's goodness was evident as just as I finished speaking the heavens opened and the huge fierce downpour that lasted over half an hour began. Alfred and I were stranded at the front door and Aaron, with our sound system and other equipment, was across the courtyard under an narrow covered porch. So much rain so quickly the it could not soak in but made small ditches.

As we waited for the rain to stop Aaron had a wonderful opportunity to chat with one of the officers. He said how my message touched him and for the first time he felt he could forgive from his heart. He said my age gives me the right to speak into their lives and many of the inmates are young, 25 - 35 years and that they need my message as a mother to them.

We were finally able to leave and the rain had pretty much subsided all the way home.

A lady friend of Alfred's, they grew up in the refugee camp together, asked us to come for dinner and goodness did she provide a feast. Pork,chicken, beef and sides to numerous to count.

Tomorrow is a big day with our biggest Max. Security Men's Prison. Alfred says we will go through 5 checkpoints to get in.

It was a good day so much to be thankful for.

That none would be lost,


1 comment:

  1. Im.glad you had a good time to sleep and feel refreshing early morning to get another prison fellowship. Sounds like it's raining lately where you are at. Looks like we're getting rain again and a bit warmer at night. May God continue to bless you all .
