Friday, December 15, 2023

Dec. 15 Nothing like African back roads

 Ministry Partners,

Alfred & Aaron's breakfast, Matoki (banana) with peanut sauce and pineapple. Sorry guys not my choice and you don't have to share. 😄

All of us were so thankful that the neighbors dog was quiet last night and the only noise we heard was the roosters wake up call at 5:15.

As I was awake I kept going over yesterdays events. The way the Holy Spirit works and his urging us to act in a specific way is just plain amazing, to say the least.

At the end of every crusade we give 2 to 4 inmates the opportunity to tell everyone what the Holy spirit has done in their heart during our time with them. Lots of hands always go up and yesterday I was standing about in front of the group so I picked a man in front of me who came and stood next to me. Alfred was standings on the far left of the group where MANY hands went up but the Holy Spirit focused him on one particular man who then stood by him. We had seen both men accept Jesus as their Savior. The prisoner next to me said today's message was just for him and he ask those in prison that he had hurt to forgive him and said that he forgave those who hurt him. He did not identify any particular prisoner.

Then the prisoner that Alfred had randomly picked mentioned how the Word had touched him and my testimony convicted him to forgive his wife whom he would immediately call and tell her he forgave her and loved her. Then he said that the reason he was in prison was because a fellow in-mate was his accuser. That he did hot want to associate with or stay close to him and he hated him. But he was convicted by the Holy Spirit to forgive him today and that inmate was his brother, the inmate THAT WAS STANDING NEXT TO ME!!! It was a beautiful thing to watch them forgive each other and then hug each other. Only the power of the Holy Spirit  could direct Alfred and I to pick these brothers out or the whole group and only He can do such a powerful work in the hearts of the prisoners we see. Praise Jesus!

Today we are off to Nakifuma Prison and it is a bit of a drive. There are no children there but I took donated scarves for the women. Well, we were certainly surprised after the long drive that we had been sent to the wrong prison and they would not receive us. By the time we arrived at the correct prison, Ssentema, we had been on the Africa, rutted, almost un-passable back roads for 4 hours. It was 1pm and the prisoners were eating so we waited about half an hour as I watched the rain clouds accumulate.

There is no use trying to explain some of the events that followed but the prisoners were as attentive as usual and responded to each invitation. At one point a few sprinkles fell but we continued, moving me under a tree for cover. The inmate were sitting under a huge covered porch to their facility. The 12 women sat in the open on the side and I was thankful the sprinkles did not become a downpour or last long. The ladies were thrilled with their scarves.

Satan tried to divert us a number of times today but God was faithful to the plan He had for us. 

Goodness I was glad to get back to our place, write this blog, have dinner, bathe and go to bed. It has been a long difficult day but the inmates responses to the Holy Spirit leading were so worth it.

Appreciate your continuing prayers.

That none would be lost,





  1. Your descriptions of the Holy Spirit's workings remind me of these verses-
    ‭‭Luke‬ ‭10:17‭-‬20‬ ‭NIV‬‬
    [17] The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.” [18] He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. [19] I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. [20] However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
    Many more names are written in heaven these days! Praise God!

  2. I'm glad the two brothers in prison accepted forgiveness from each other and hugged each other. Thank you Jesus for your salvation for them and others. I'm glad you all are safe. May it continue to be that way.
