Tuesday, July 21, 2015

July 21 ...

Ministry Partners,

As we started this beautiful day in Uganda I found myself enjoying a beautiful sunny sky and a cup of African tea ....... so delicious, hot milk with some tea and lots of spices one being Ginger. It has taken me 11 years to grow to like it but now I say ...... Yuummm!!!

Alfred and Aaron need to make the trek to Kampala but I saw no need for me to accompany them so decided to stay at home base and just do stuff. I finally got yesterdays blog posted after Alfred came once again and fixed ........ I have no idea what. Then it was on to sorting the remaining IRM supplies and packing it as my return second suitcase. I have been blessed with so many gifts by those we have ministered to and with I do not know what I would have done if Chad had not been willing to take a suitcase home for me for each gift is such a treasure .... baskets, jewelry, ect., and that hand woven mat such gifts of love fro a people who have stolen my heart. And then the few gifts I purchased for friends back home and the dresses for myself , yes two suitcases full!!!

As I was sorting supplies two of the women on the IRM fb page came to visit as well as the young man on that page, one of them bringing me a "sweet" to eat. Then Julius came by at noon to see if I was OK and wanted lunch but before going he asked when we could just have a chat like last year. I told him we would find a time one evening before I go but called for him later in the day as I did not want to miss having some time with him. Yes, another very nice young man who received Christ as his Savior last year and now calls me "Mom or Mommie". Each one is so special although I have lost count of how many. The words spoken over me in 2005 when I first came to Rwanda by a woman I did not know, Jolly - who worked for Africa New Life, have certainly come true. She said Jesus woke her in the night and told her to give me some scripture meant especially for me and to tell me some things He wanted me to know. One of the things she repeated about 5 times was, "Jesus said you will be the mother of many." And so it appears at 71 years old I am becoming, spiritually and by choice a mother to many. What huge blessings the Lord has heaped upon me.

Finally, it was time for a task that there just has not been time for .... sorting photos ..... 2,003 photos to date to be exact and putting them in some titled folders so I can find, a little easier, what I need when I get home and even here as we will need easy access to the Warden/Directors photos for our final report to turn in to the Commissioner. I will have to wait to go through each folder when I get home to delete, make copies to crop and get them ready for the new P.P.P.

Sweet babies are everywhere
All and all a very good day with a slower pace in preparation of the coming very busy days.

Tomorrow we are off to Butuntumula (now just try to pronounce that) Prison.

That none would be lost,

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