What a wonderful day to worship God and so we did at the church of Foursquare pastor, Rev. John Kamanzi who is currently the National Leader of Hope For New Life Ministries in Kampala, Uganda. I have been trying to touch bases for sometime and finally obtained his contact number through a Google search prior to coming. When I spoke to him on the phone he invited me to share this morning but first wanted to chat for a bit in his office. When we arrived at his office there was an FMI gentleman also there.
Arlene & Pastor John |
I was surprised at how large and beautiful his church was after being used to other village churches.
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Pastor John's Foursquare Church |
A bit of John's bio:
Rev. John Kamanzi was himself an orphan; when he was just 13, war claimed both of his parents and he became the head of his family. He gave his life to Jesus at the age of 18, and soon felt called to counsel surviving youth. His initial ministry as a Youth Pastor rapidly grew. In 2008, through association with Warm Blankets Orphan Care International, John was introduced to the Church Orphan Home Model. Childhood restoration and raising disciples among surviving orphans remains his passion. Rev. John life to Jesus at the age of 18, and soon felt called to counsel surviving youth. His initial ministry as a Youth Pastor rapidly grew. In 2008, through association with Warm Blankets Orphan Care International, John was introduced to the Church Orphan Home Model. Childhood restoration and raising disciples among surviving orphans remains his passion.
The worship was wonderful and I even recognized some of the Lugandan songs they were singing as songs by a Ugandan Christian that I have been playing at home and in my car for over a year now. The service went well with many making decisions. I preached for 1 hour and 15 min. and I had to laugh when John and missionary agreed that too many ............... (I'm not going to repeat the denomination) pastors speak for 15 min. and think that's good. Yeessh ... I like these two men. John said he had to nudge his wife when I started preaching and my theme was "Fear" as he had just preached last Sunday about that very same topic.
We had not planned on having lunch at John's home as we had to get to a prison but John's wife fixed a delicious traditional lunch for us and it is the first time I have eaten matoki (a type of green banana) and liked it. I have had it fixed every which way over the years but never liked it until today and with the sauce, yummm. Our Meal and fellowship was over far to soon and we were on our way.
It was about an hours drive to the prison and Pastoy Geoffrey met us on the way. There were about 145 inmates at the prison and there were no women there. The men sat under a covered overhang but Alfred, Aaron and I preached & translated while out in the sun. But the men were ever so attentive and from the responses it was evident the Holy Spirit had done his work.
Tonight I am a tired servant after preaching twice was such a joy and what powerful memories. Tomorrow is another prison.
Your faithful prayers matter, keep them coming!
That none would be lost,
Have a good day tomorrow and glad good things are happening for Jesus! Hugs!