Monday, July 6, 2015

July 6 ......

Ministry Partners,

  Today we left Changugu, first by going to the government office located at Congo boarder crossing to get the permit for our van extended, and then heading North East. As we drove through the tea plantations and observed pickers in the fields I was reminded of the potato fields in the Klamath Basin. Then we were off through a large portion of Rwandan forest, windy roads and all. Did I say windy roads? Well, windy roads is an understatement!!!! We did not see any cute black and white African Rwandan monkeys like we did on the way down just more road construction.

  We arrived safe and sound at Gikongoro Prison only to learn that it was no longer a men's and women's prison but only a women's prison.  As usual we were warmly greeted by the prison administration who always try to accommodate our needs for sound equipment, ect. when needed.
At every prison we also watch the administration and guards as well as the prisoners be impacted by the teaching. It's wonderful!!!
Arlene & Head of Prison Security
 Many women recognized me from seeing me at other prisons and they greeted me with enthusiasm, telling Alfred that they had been told I was dead!!! I was ever so happy to inform them that I was not and I hugged and African greeted as many as I could before starting to preach the message the Holy Spirit gave me this year on Gideon followed by some discipleship teachings.

  We had a wonderful three hours together in an open covered area and I must admit it was hard for me to watch them return to their holding area where they would be locked in. I was told by one of the women leaders that she had in fact been in America but her Visa ran out and when she arrived in her homeland, Rwanda, she had been arrested at the airport. That was 3 1/2 years ago and she is still waiting for her trial. Her name is M., please pray for her.

We were able to purchase a few woven items in their gift shop. I will add my unusual basket to the other gifts I have received from prisons and churches. I am afraid Chad will have a full suitcase to carry home for me as I proceed to Uganda. It's hard imaging that he will be leaving me and our African team in only six more days. I will miss him for sure.

We arrived safely in Butare and settled in at the nice Catholic Guest House where we always stay, I especially appreciate the nice firm mattress that will allow me to get some much needed sleep and rest. We had a wonderful dinner and everyone has retired to their rooms.

Arlene always meets such wonderful women & children

  We will have a early full day tomorrow at the prison followed by the long drive back to Kigali.

  I want to thank all of you again for your continuing prayers, we need them! We are watching the Holy Spirit do so many miracles and powerful things that the enemy is taking his frustration out on us. I am so thankful that we are on God's winning team and have the victory through Christ. Every day I am ever so thankful for another day to serve the Savior.

That none would be lost,

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