Tuesday, July 5, 2022

July 5 - Our final day of ministry in Uganda

 Ministry Partners,

It is so very hard to believe that today is our final day of ministry in Uganda. The days have gone far to quickly but they ave left me with wonderful memories that will last my life time.

Breakfast was good with the new cook also making me French toast. When I asked about yesterdays cook the dinning room receptionist said, "You mean the really fat one?" It make my heart hurt that she was referred to in such a cruel manner. I said to her, "I don't think she is fat but would you please see that she gets this scarf from me? I was glad there was other staff around so perhaps she really will give her the scarf which had a tract folded inside.

Then it was about a hour drive to Tororo prison and when we got almost there I recognized the cotton fields. Last time I was here they were picking the cotton. This is the only area I have seen cotton growing.

We came to the women's area first and since they said they were ready for us we chose to be with them first. It also helped us decide since the men were in the fields and would not return until 2pm. The officer in charge seemed young but was ever so nice. I was very pleased that 5 of the staff stayed through our entire crusade and they responded to the invitations, one for salvation, 1 for forgiveness and the last one made them smile as the prisoners stood and told each other they were sorry for causing arguments and discord. Then we gave out bibles and each lady got a scarf and the children a cap.

It is my understanding that since COVID soap has been especially expensive according to Deputy Commissioner Apollo. Apollo said they only had 3 boxes of soap for 3 months for 3,000 prisoners. That is why this y ear instead of giving blankets we have given boxes of soap. And it is something to see as the prisoners applaud getting soap! It was so good to see them celebrating but it was such a reminder to me to be thankful for the small things God graciously gives me.

We spent some time resting outside the men's prison as we waited for them to return and gather. The officer who welcomed us was young but every much in control, he said he was 3rd in command. And there they were, 1,500 of them sitting under the to giant trees similar to how I remembered them sitting in 2019. Watching them respond to the invitations brought tears to my eyes but a sadness to my heart as I realized I will not soon see this sight again. Just as we finished the dinner bell banged for them BUT first they had to be counted.

I took a photo for our report with the officer that had greeted us and then we were off to find a place to stay. We had no idea how had it would be as place after place said they were full of there was some issue with the room that were available. Finally #5 worked and we obtained rooms and mine even had a bathtub so I could soak my sore back. Sad to say dinner was as we have come to expect, they show you a large menu but as you point to things you would want to eat they tell you it is not available. 

The favorite food decoration here on everything seems to be a few wheels of red onion.

I finally picked some chicken with rice but when it came it was a HUGE mound, like 4c., of yellowish looking rice and the chicken was nowhere to be found!!!!! I was so tired I just ate some and gave the rest to Aaron as his was seasoned so "hot" that he found it hard to eat. The few seasoned veggies were good so I made the best of it. 

I walked around a bit outside and took a few photos of the flowers and a very unique tree that I wish we had at home.

Please pray for us as we travel to Kenya tomorrow and cross the boarder, we have no idea what their requirements will be as they seem to change day by day.

That none would be lost,



  1. Hopefully all will go well as you and your crew go to Kenya soon. 🇰🇪 Phil and I went on a walk after dinner and it started to 🌧 rain but it wasn't heavy rain. Megan's at firehouse for a cert meeting. Hugs and prayers my friend.

  2. I do so enjoy reading your posts. I'm glad you're feeling better. Praying for your back pain, crossing into Kenya, and fresh anointing for you and the team. I hope the woman does get her scarf and tract. Lord bless you and keep you!
