Saturday, July 23, 2016

July 23 - Guess who we saw as we traveled through the forest?

Ministry Partners,

I awoke this morning and walked out on the veranda to take a photo in the direction of where Alfred said Rwanda was. The mountain range there is where the gorillas are and it was covered with a heavy mist just like in the Jane Goodall movie.
We ate our breakfast with our African tea and I can tell you it is delicious on my granola cereal that I brought.

After prayer we were then off to the nearby Ndorwa Prison, the 3rd one so far. We could see many of the prisoners working do woodworking making chairs and beds as we approached. It was evident that they had been informed we were coming as behind the wire fence were a couple hundred inmates set to welcome us in their sparkling clean yellow uniforms. The deputy O.C. welcomed us and while we waited for them to get the area for us ready Aaron set our sound system music going. We have learned that doing a bit of dancing and hand clapping with them before the crusade actually begins seems to ease any tension that they might have about this Muzungu (white person).

We entered with all our equipment, set up and waited to bring in some women from their section. The Deputy O.C. gave permission for me to get when women as they came in which is another good thing for the men to see.

It is so interesting to watch their faces as the Holy Spirit begins to bring understanding to their hearts, those making decisions to receive God’s free gift of salvation and those, through their tears praying forgiveness over someone else of forgiving themselves. It is such a beautiful work of the Holy Spirit.

One prisoner read a verse to us and another voiced their appreciation to us and asked us to please come back. Those sentiments were echoed by the head O.C. who had arrived and asked us to stop by his office. He told us that our coming and sharing the Gospel helped them manage the inmates as it calmed their hearts.

I bought one of the women’s small handmade baskets as I did not have one in green before leaving. 

We traveled north through the forest to Kisoro where we will do a church crusade tomorrow. The road was good for here but OH SO curvy. As we rounded one curve, there they were ….. two large baboons. 
 One of the baboons

I am told that this part of the forest is part of a game reserve.

I see as we are approaching Kisoro that they have a small airstrip and found it interesting that the road we are on is crossing right over it. Of course the wooden crossing arms, that would stop us and give evidence of a plane about land, were up.
Alfred found a nice clean place for us to stay over the next two nights and although there is no tub there is hot water but for the first time in all my trips to Africa, they do not include breakfast.

We then went for dinner at another place where we will also have breakfast and while we were eating the pastor where we will hold services tomorrow came to introduce himself. He was trained by Pastor Geoffrey in Kampala but felt the Lord calling him to come to his home town to begin a church some time ago. I liked him right away with his broad smile and He informed me that I would have 3 hours to preach if I wanted it.

I am so happy that tomorrow, Sunday; I will be worshiping with these sweet local people.

Thank you for continuing to pray for open hearts for the Holy Spirits leading, strength and energy for our team and a fresh anointing on all of our team.

That none would be lost,

1 comment:

  1. Thankful things are going well on your trip and blessing to others. Enjoyed your posts of your trip thus far. We've been gone to Newport a few days and now home. Of course the dryer's not heating so Phil's checking it out and hopefully fixing it. So pretty at the coast and we enjoyed our time in God's beautiful creation. Including seeing 5 whales on our boat trip on the Yaquina Bay with Yaquina Bay Charters and saw Yaquina Head lighthouse!! God bless you.
