Saturday, December 28, 2024

Dec. 28 – Correction, we did 55 crusades not 56

Ministry Partners,

Well, today was a very late morning for me as I struggle with being exhausted. I did not get up until 7:30 just in time for Alfred to come to my room to check on me before he and Aaron left for town.

I spent my day working on paperwork and found as I went over some daily paperwork that I made a mistake. I am sorry, we did not do 56 crusades but we did do 55. I not sure how Alfred and I both miss-counted. 

Aaron, Arlene & Alfred did 55 crusades

The cook from the hotel restaurant appeared with a hot “croissant” of sorts.. We talked about making bread so I asked him if he had ever made cinnamon rolls and explained how to make them. He said he would give then a try before I leave on Monday morning.

I have almost finished packing 5 suitcases, three to be stored at Alfred’s and two to return home with me, as well as my carry-on. I also prepared a small gift for each of the three women who keep our place so clean every day as well something for the cook. Fixing gift bags for Alfred, Aaron and Peace with items I brought from home was fun.

Tomorrow will be a busy day as in the morning we will travel an hour, one way, for a meeting and then return to host a dinner for prison officials and Ugandan friends of IRM.

I took some cold medicine this afternoon as I feel like I have picked up whatever both Aaron and Alfred had. I really appreciate your prayers as I do not feel like traveling home sick.

The wedding party of 400 is going strong next door in the hotel venue, at least that is what the music tells me.

I will call it a day for now.

That none would be lost.


1 comment:

  1. Jesus, we ask for Your contiued outpouring of Your strength and power for Arlene and the team to get them through these last days, and then safely home. Give them safety, covering and Your presence as they travel.
