Sunday, December 22, 2024

Dec. 22 - Dec. 26th is "Box Day" the day for opening gifts, not the 25th


Ministry Partners,

It is a beautiful Sunday here in Uganda and I am excited to see what God has planned for the prisoners, the guards and us. It is important for us to make plans but the team marvels at the new design for our day that God brings. This morning He opened a new opportunity that I will share with you when it has been confirmed.

Today is a special day for Pastor Peace, who we spoke to on the phone, and Pastor Aaron as both of them have birthdays today. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” Pastor Aaron and Pastor Peace.

The electricity stayed on last night so I was able to have a warm shower and a fan that kept the heat down. Thank you Jesus!


There actually was a Christmas tree in the reception area of our hotel. But, banners in Kampala signaled “Box Day Celebrations” which Alfred explained that “Box Day”  Dec. 26th. is the day Ugandans open all the boxes/gifts that have been given for Christmas, they do not open them on Christmas Eve or day. Actually, I think that is a very good thing because then on Christmas they can focus on the true meaning of Christmas …… a remembrance day for the birth of Christ, the Savior of the world.

Today we held two prison crusades, a man’s prison of 1,560 and in the afternoon a women’s prison of 145. At the man’s prison, they wanted me to be under a tent with only a few inmates but I chose to be in the open, as it was very overcast, so all the men surrounding the area could also hear the messages and see the object lessons. However, they did use the tent for some of the inmates to sit under. It went very well until I finished leading them in the prayer of forgiveness as it started to rain and the inmates were told to go back to their cell rooms. The Holy Spirit did a powerful work in the inmate’s hearts for salvation and forgiveness. We were unable to get testimonies due to the rain.

It was still drizzling when we arrived at the women’s prison but they had a tent set up and  an Anglican pastor and two Pentecostal pastors, were having a service. They moved all of us into a hall to be out of the rain. Because it was Sunday, a few of the inmate leaders were dressed in white and purple outfits and the O.C. appeared in a fancy party dress after we started our crusade.

I really prefer that other pastors do not use my object lessons or video me as I share my testimony and the object lessons I use are personal. If they are copied and used in the prisons by others then when we arrive the impact of the object lessons is diminished. The two Pentecostal pastors stayed through the whole crusade and actually responded to the salvation and forgiveness prayers along with the women.  I was happy we were able to present our complete program but when we finished, the O.C. got up and gave a lengthy sermon-ette using the “points” in my message. It was interesting that when the inmates were apologizing to each other she refused to accept some inmate’s apologies. Perhaps she did not really listen when I said that the person who gives an apology is blessed by God for being obedient and taking responsibility for their actions and the person who refuses an apology answers to God. But she did admit the forgiveness message had impacted her. I was able to give crochet caps to the children there.

On the way to the hotel, I saw a woman with three little girls so I had Aaron stop so I could also give them each a cap. The girls and mother had huge smiles when we drove away.

When we arrived back at the hotel, once again there was no electricity. I am using the computer battery to get this written in a Word doc., which I will copy, and paste onto the blog whenever I do get electricity.

Dinner was a 6pm and I must say the potato wedges were the best I have ever had but the rest of the meal, not so much.

The hotel receptionist agreed to start the generator at 6:30 instead of 7 so we could have lights and I could get this blog out and have a warm shower. YEA!

Tomorrow we have two prison crusades to do so breakfast will be at 7am.

Please continue to pray for the prisoners, guards and us. Pray also especially for Alfred, he has picked up whatever Aaron had and is not feeling well.

Thank you. 

That none would be lost,


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