Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Dec. 18 - I can't believe I have only 12 more days here


Ministry Partners,

It was a beautiful morning in Kampala this morning but it was evident that it was going to be very hot again today. After a breakfast of Chapatti – Egg roll-ups and tea or African tea (milk, tea & spices) for breakfast Alfred and Aaron went into to town to the shop to have the van completely checked out since we will soon head out again for the remainder of our prison crusades. There is an issue with the van 4-wheel drive and we will probably need it as we have in the past. Bad village roads and lots of rain make needing a 4-wheel drive a necessity.

I can't believe I have only 12 more days here before returning to the states. It will be very hard for me to say goodby to Alfred and Aaron and the work God has called us to do here.

A village woman receives a scarf, tract and hug

This morning I was reminded of John 17:18, “As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.

It has been written, “The dangers of all dangers, for missionaries, would be to lose trust and confidence in the mercy of God. To distrust him would be a far more terrible thing than any physical evil which all the enemies of God put together could inflect on us, for without God’s permission neither the devils nor their human ministers could hinder us in the slightest degree.”

God designed each crisis on this trip to bring me to a place where I would look to him for help and then each crisis allowed God to deliver me to a place where only He could help me.

I became strong in Christ’s strength and in THAT strength there was a vulnerability that the enemy could not touch. God was all I had many times and I knew He was all I needed.

If you had asked me before this trip if I could stand and preach 3 crusades for 6 hours in one day followed by doing two crusades (4hrs.) the next day when I did not feel well and then do it again! I would have answered you that if God opens the door and gives me the opportunity I know I can trust him to provide for me and give me everything I need. I have seen him do just that since He saved me in 1964 and on all of my 20 trips to Africa.

I knew, that I knew, that I knew, that although I had no clue what God was doing behind the scenes I knew he was working on my behalf and on behalf of the IRM team which brought peace to my heart and God delivered me into a place where parts of II Corinthians 12:9-10 became so very real for me.  

Parts of 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 said:
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” ……..
And then I could say with the Apostle Paul……”For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

It was actually restful as I sorted supplies and listened to my favorite music which is old time southern gospel music on YouTube on my computer. I am thankful that the owner of this guesthouse provides good internet.

Pastor Aaron is not feeling well so he is going to try to get some medicine today. Please pray for him.

I met a new housekeeper today, she came with Harriet, and her name is Aleen. I had a nice chat with her and was so pleased to find out that she had asked Jesus to be her Savior five years ago. They do such a good job of cleaning everything and the tile floors throughout are always sparkling.

The guys are still at the shop but I will end today's blog and rinse out some cloths.

Your prayers and comments are so appreciated. Thank you.

That none would be lost,


1 comment:

  1. Very encouraging words, Arlene. Praying that the next 12 days are fruitful for you!
