Thursday, October 24, 2024

October 24 - Arlene's blog opening is on Nov, 7


Ministry Partners,

In 15 days I will be traveling to the Great Lakes Region of Africa to do Prison Ministry, holding 55 prison crusades. This blog will be opened on Nov. 7 and I will post the events of the day each evening as internet is available.

That none would be lost,



Friday, January 26, 2024

Jan. 26. To Amsterdam then to Portland


Ministry Partners,

What a send off Alfred gave me last night. Alfred took Aaron and I to Lake Victoria to just sit by the water a few hours and then we  enjoyed a dinner of fresh Tilapia from the lake. It was the best I have had since I first came to Uganda. Then we stopped at a random restaurant for the guys to get a cappuccino, and thats where fun things happened. Alfred, who knows people absolutely everywhere he goes saw a friend from years ago and struck up a conversation while Aaron noticed that the waiter was also called "Alfred" and commented to him about our Alfred and he said,"I will fix him something special." When the cappuccino cups came, each one had a special message in the foam.

     Aaron's cappuccino 

I don't remember all we laughed about but the afternoon was filled with it, all of us just having a wonderful time together.

Finally, we could delay no longer and we headed to the airport and when we passed one security check Alfred said something to the security person in Ugandan and he motioned us on and I did not have to get out of the van. I don't know why but I said to Alfred, "What did you say to him? Did you say I was crippled and could not get out?" We all started laughing so hard that Aaron was having a hard time driving. After arriving at the airport Alfred disappeared for a bit and I said to Aaron, "Alfred is having a hard time with me leaving just like I am in going." Aaron said,"Yes". I told him I was so happy Alfred had such a good friend. Such absolutely wonderful memories from yesterday. 


Alfred and Aaron waited with me before I boarded the plane at Entebbe Airport, Uganda

 I arrived in Portland at 11a.m. and home at a little after 12 noon.

Thanks Chuck & Pam for picking me up at the airport and to everyone for the prayers. 

That none would be lost,


Thursday, January 25, 2024

Jan. 25 Good by Uganda

 Ministry Partners,

I woke early on my final day here, made myself a cup of African tea and finished zipping and locking the suitcase bags, taping up the sound system box and putting lg. garbage bags around the Jesus Film equipment bag and IRM sign bag, all the things that will be stored at Alfred's.

When the guys got up Alfred invited us to breakfast out in a restaurant in Kampala. After returning home I had Alfred weigh my bags and we finished the final financial book work. 

Then the lady that owns the hotel where we stay arrived with 2 custom made dresses for me, 1 black and white pattern and 1 black, white and pink patterned. So beautiful and they fit, just need to be hemmed. 

I'm not sure where the rest of the day went but time to head to the airport came far to soon. On the way Alfred took me to dinner at a place near the lake before actually arriving at the airport.

 So hard to say good by to the IRM Uganda team and Africa.

Alfred, Arlene, Peace and Aaron


That none would be lost,


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Jan. 24 A fun evening with friends


Ministry Partners,

I did not get to sleep last night until about 9 as the wind was just the right direction to carry the voice of a m....... call to prayer to my window and although I closed the window I could still hear him. After I finally got to sleep (thanks sleeping aid) the violent rain downpour shook our van just outside my window just enough to set off the alarm at about 4am. I finally drifted off to sleep again but woke at about 7 and  decided to just get up although there was no electricity which lasted until 9 or so.

Alfred and Aaron left to take the van in for some maintenance at 8:30 and did not return until ??????.

My travel suitcases are pretty much packed and just need to be weighed but that will have to wait for Alfred. I need to get my thank you notes written and it is lunch time so I will have the taco I brought home last night from dinner.

Tonight about 20 friends came over to say goodby one of which was the man who heard I was sick last trip and came to pray and prophecy over me and another was the Uganda Commissioner of Prisons. We had a great time and I showed the power point from last years trip so they could actually see what we do in the prisons.       

  “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” —John 13:34-35 (NKJV)   

Well, it's 11 o'clock and time for me to get to bed. 

That none would be lost,


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Jan. 23 Finalizing the trip


Ministry Partners,

Although I was up and working on the computer I did not go in for breakfast at 8:30 as I waited to hear the sounds that the guys were in the dining room but all of a sudden Alfred was in my doorway greeting me and saying he had made me a cup of tea. I am going to miss such acts of kindness when I leave, I will have to drive myself, cook for myself, clean my own house and make my own bed! As hard as I work here I still appreciate all the regular everyday things that are done for me.

Breakfast was simple today, an omelet, crepes (here called pancakes) juice, banana and tea, somehow there was no pineapple today.

Aaron worked on getting our Jesus Film equipment going as we are "planning" on using it tomorrow evening. Not sure that will happen as he was having some trouble getting it to work. He and Alfred left to get some finalizing errands done and I was left to finish some computer work.

Harriet came to clean my room but I asked her not to worry about the floors as the suitcases I am bringing home are not quite packed and weighed and "stuff" is still in dis-array, she usually cleans the tile floors in the entire house every day while working barefoot. I just went to the dinning room and found barefoot Priscilla, a new hotel employee, cleaning the tile floor there. I had a great opportunity to talk with her yesterday about Jesus and she assured me that she knew Jesus as her savior; Harriet received Christ as her savior last trip when I was here. They both work so quietly that unless you hear the mop bucket moving on the tile floor you would never know they are around.  I am packing them both a gift bag to say "Thank you" that they will find on the dining room table after I leave.

Alfred called about 5 and said he was 30 min. away and for me to get ready as he was taking me, his Mama, out to dinner and what a good dinner it was. He had chicken curry with mashed potatoes and I had tacos with green rice and beans. The tacos were delicious but with 3 of them it was too big a serving so I brought one home. What a special time to spend with my son.

 Alfred took me to dinner.


Traffic was busy so we did not get home until 9. It is hard to believe that the day after tomorrow is travel day.

That none would be lost,


Monday, January 22, 2024

Jan. 22 Sorting and packing


Ministry Partners,

Not sure if this was a "typical" Monday morning for the team but I could not help but notice at the 8:30 breakfast table gathering that all three of us were tired, one might expect that after almost 8 weeks of ministry.

Alfred and I worked on finances and balancing the books, it's always a relief for both of us when they balance well. I set aside "Thank You" notes to write tomorrow for those who have helped us. Then began the arduous task of sorting everything in the store room and my room, deciding what to store at Alfred's place and what to bring home, depending on my luggage space. So much stuff have to travel in my bags going both ways like object lessons, cameras, ect. and of course my personal cloths and things. Then there are all the wonderful gifts I am given, not sure everything is going to fit in 2 suitcases this time. Which reminds me I better get back to work.

We the sorting is finally done and there are 2 suitcases to store at Alfred's and everything else fit in my 2 suitcases. I was even able to put my usual carry-on things (things I might need if my suitcase doesn't make it) in one suitcase and some of my briefcase record keeping things in my carry-on so it is not so heavy.

Yesterday although the children at the church were not sure about seeing a white person for the first time, they enjoyed their new crochet caps.

Tomorrow and Wednesday should be enjoyable days since I have almost everything done to fly out on Thursday.

That none would be lost,


Sunday, January 21, 2024

Jan. 21 Sunday services at Penuel Revival Church

 Ministry Partners,

We had a late breakfast at 8:45 before leaving for the drive to the church that was to have taken 30 min. but because of the traffic jam caused by all the people going to the Catholic Martyrs Shrine (This shrine is dedicated to the young Baganda men who were martyred for their faith)  so it was 10:30 when we got there. It was a small village church whose pastor's name was Emmanuel and his wife's name was Annette. The pastor told the congregation, of about 100, and me, that I was the first white woman to ever come to the village.

It was a former church of Pastor Aaron's and I was glad that Pastor Aaron had not filled me in on issues in the church. As they were singing worship music the speakers in the church were turned so loud that my ears hurt and I had to retreat back to the van and wait until they started giving announcements.

I shared my testimony and preached pretty much the same message that I share at the prisons. But when I finished reading Eph.4:32, "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." I looked up and saw the pastor crying. I was thankful so many responded to the salvation prayer as well as to the forgiveness prayer but when I asked them to get up and apologize to anyone they had had an argument with they all stood up and started going to each other including the pastor and his wife, it took some time as no one wanted to sit down.

I learned later that almost everyone had left the church over a misunderstanding but when they found out a muzungu (me) was coming to speak they returned today to hear what I had to say. Go figure, and I came to talk not only about God's free gift of salvation but forgiveness, reconciliation and apologizing!!!! I am so glad I knew nothing about the situation as I spoke and challenged freely.

After I finished the pastor got up and broke into tears as he apologized and asked for forgiveness then he forgave everyone in the church. What a powerful work of the Holy Spirit today. He had some very kind words for me and then gave me an envelope with some shillings inside. I assured him that I would use it to continue sharing the gospel.

I savored each moment today as Alfred and Aaron translated for me and we did our object lessons together. I have no words to express how much I am going to miss the men of God they are and the way they work hard to take care of the day to day details not to mention the way they look after and care for me.

As church finished two came forward and gave testimonies as to how the message today touched their hearts. And all the small children came forward and received a crochet cap and all the men received 2 new ties. I felt bad that I did not have scarves for the women except for the one I gave Annette with a shopping bag.

After church, a typical African meal, was served to everyone in the church. It was the first time I had ever tasted pineapple/beet juice. Lets just say it would not be my favorite.

As we were leaving the pastor and his wife came to the car and she handed me a gift bag with an authentic ceremonial Ugandan dress, called Gomesi, inside. The photo speaks for itself, the pointy shoulders would take some getting used to.

It was a wonderful day and only 4 more remain.

That none would be lost,


Saturday, January 20, 2024

Jan. 20 A quiet day at our Uganda hotel house


Ministry Partner,

Yesterday was a busy day with our final 2 prison crusades in Kenya and then a 7 1/2 hour drive to return to Kampala, Uganda arriving at 11:30 last night. I was just too exhausted to write the blog.

The owner of the guest house we stayed in last year and this has been wonderful to us and did not rent out the house to someone new but saved it for us until we returned last night from Kenya, so it was like returning home. Even at that late time the lady, Harriet, who looks after us and brings us our meals appeared at the door to welcome us back and ask what we wanted for breakfast today. And at 9 this morning she came with African tea, coffee, plain tea, roll-ups ( a omelet rolled up in a chapati), bananas, fresh pineapple juice.

Alfred and I spent some time going over the finances and other book work and then he left to do some errands. Aaron unloaded the van and took it to be washed while I wrote yesterdays blog and started the one for today.

Alfred returned and as he and Aaron were having dinner, I just had a banana and pineapple juice as I was not hungry and I had a very late lunch. Alfred showed the videos he had made of his ordination and the 80th birthday party he held for me.

It has been a slow day but a restful one for me and as I went through the photos from yesterday, this one just made me smile.

This darling little girl loved her pink crochet cap.


Tomorrow I have my last crusade of this trip to do as I am speaking in a church. So it's off to bed for me.

That none would be lost,


Jan. 19 Our last day in Kenya

 Ministry Partners,

Today was a hard day for me as the realization that it is not only my last day for prison ministry but my last day in Kenya. I never know what God has for me when one trip ends but I am trusting in my heart that God will open the doors for me again and that the provision for the trip will come.

Our breakfast at this hotel was basic but I was very thankful that they had provided something. And because both the man's and women's prisons are close and in the same location we did not have to be packed up and leave until 9:30.

Upon arriving the O.C. welcomed us into his office and had his staff prepare tea and boiled white sweet potatoes for us. Then we went to the men's section where the men were gathered in the open.  When I shared that from the time I was a young child I believed the lie of the enemy that I had no value and would never have anyone to love me and then asked them if they also heard that lie in their heads I saw a familiar response as they raised their hands. That sight is always heartbreaking for me but then I get to tell them about a Savior that loves them and thinks they are so valuable that he chose to die on the cross to pay the price for every wrong thing they would do, Rom. 5:8 "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  Then Jesus followed by offering them the free gift of salvation, Eph. 2:8&9 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast." 

I then get the joy of hearing them pray and ask Jesus to forgive them and be their Savior.  Forgiving others and apologizing to someone they have had an argument with where they respond that their hearts are now peaceful makes for a absolutely wonderful day and makes all the work and effort so very worth it.

Then we went to the women's prison were we found a very small group of 19 women and 1 child with their guards under a tent and although they also had a tent for us I explained that I preferred to be under the tent closer with the women, with I did. The women accepted me right away as I explained that they were not the only one to do wrong things because God says in Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,". They too made 3 good choices today just like the men in salvation, forgiveness and apologizing. And watching the guards also respond is so very powerful for the inmates to witness.

Because they were few, and I had counted and had just enough, I was able to give each woman a scarf and a Bible/Discipleship booklet set. I wish you could see and hear them so excited for such a gift as a bible. Thank you to each of you who sacrificed to provide the bibles this year.

Then as Alfred was leading the closing prayer he called everyone to pray for me and had me sit in a chair in the center. The team, prison chaplains and prisoners have no idea of the very special gift they gave me. Oh my goodness what a blessing they all were to me, and yes the tears came, may I never forget this powerful day.

But before leaving we were invited again to the O.C. office where the chaplains had some women prepare a traditional African meal with Ugali, chapatti. chicken stew, beef stew, Sukuma Wiki (a like green spinach) and bottled water. Then Moses pushed the chicken stew before me taking the spoon and lifting out the gizzard saying, "The gizzard ( when you receive the gizzard you have been given the WHOLE chicken) is for a special guest, you." As 12 other people around the table look at me I knew I would honor their special gift as they watched and I ate every bite!

Then it was 4:30  and time to leave, Alfred made the decision to not stay overnight but he and Aaron would share driving 7 1/2 hours back to Kampala where we arrived at 11:30. With the roads like they are and it being dark I don't know how they even could see the rutted road at times but both Aaron and Alfred are such good drivers.

That is most of the events of yesterday.

That none would be lost,


Thursday, January 18, 2024

Jan. 18 What a wonderful day!!!


Ministry Partners,

I had a bit of a tough night but awoke excited for today as I will be doing two prisons crusades today, Kibos Med Security and Kisumu Max. Security.

         Aaron, Kibos Med. Security O.C., Arlene, Alfred

We had another huge variety of foods for breakfast but as usual the guys all ate many of the "local" foods and also ate some like I ate: Granola, yogurt, beans, potatoes, tea and today's new item a waffle.

We had everything packed up before breakfast so as soon as we finished we were off at 9:30 for the 30 min. drive to the first prison. Because it was morning and this was a farm prison many of the prisoners were out working but there were 200+ there. We were in the open but under the cover of trees. It had rained all night and things were muddy but I was thankful there was no rain today. And also thankful that most of the prisoners sat in plastic chairs or on big buckets with lids.

As soon as we started the crusade a tractor with a wagon load of dirt pulled close behind us and the inmates there started shoveling out the dirt. I was pleased that the shovels hitting the bottom of the metal wagon did not last long before they finished and drove away.

The inmates were so attentive and responded to all the invitations and the testimonies spoke clearly of the Holy Spirit's work in their hearts.  One prisoner said he was sentenced to death but had it commuted to life then had it commuted again to 20 years. He said as soon as he was released from prison he was going to kill the complainant and he told him so in court as well as telling his wife that she was going to be a widow. BUT today after receiving Jesus as his Savior he has chosen to forgive his complainant and his heart is free.

Then it was off for the short drive to Kisumu Max. Security were the O.C. warmly greeted us and then as we were starting the crusade he appeared and started entering the long line of wards to our right. We could see/hear him chasing the inmates that remained inside, outside telling them they needed to listen and having the guards lock the door. The 3,000 men were in front of me and on both side of me and no matter which direction I turned to their eyes were focused on us as we shared the gospel message, the forgiveness message and the apology message and responding to each one. 

It is so exciting to watch the Holy Spirit work!!!!

You and I, ministry partners, cannot change the world but the work God has called us to do here is changing the lives of 1,000's. Thank you for your partnership.

The we were off for a 1 1/2 hour drive to Siaya where we will do two prison crusades tomorrow, the last crusades of this ministry trip. That is so difficult for me to think of, I am not ready to finish and come home.

We found a place to stay at first try and dinner has been ordered but it's 8:30 and they have not called us yet to eat. Will we wen to eat and only two of the guys could have fish because it was all they had, two had some kind of beef that was too salty and my pork was uneatable since it was burnt and hard. I am thankful we are only here for one night. We all laughed when we tried to guess what they might offer us for breakfast.

Continue to pray for our last day tomorrow and then we will leave for Uganda as soon as we finish at the last prison.

That none would be lost,


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Jan. 17 - Kisumu Max and Kisumu Women's Prison

 Ministry Partners,

Today we were scheduled for Kisumu Max and Kisumu Women's Prison, these are prisons I visited a number of years ago. Almost all prisoners comment that they have never heard me speak before.

 “As for other matters, brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you." 2 Thessalonians 3:1 (NIV)

 As we entered the men's prison I was happy to see the covered area full of prisoners, on the left Remand prisoners in street cloths, who have not been to court, and on the right side convicted prisoners in their black and white prison cloths. Those in the choir had on white robes trimmed in yellow and were already leading the other prisoners in singing. In case I have never mentioned it before, there is something so wonderful about men's powerful voices singing praises to the Savior.

Edward Aaron and Alfred did their great job of translating and Alfred doing some teaching in the Discipleship portion. Of course, Alfred's and Aaron's help with the object lessons is essential. I appreciate so much how hard everyone on the team works to see that the gospel and other teachings are concise and clear in every crusade we do. And it was that way with both prisons today.

The men and women were clear in their salvation response as well as forgiveness and apologizing. But the women went the extra bit as they apologized to each other as well as staff. These prisoners have been told that they only make poor choices but every crusade we watch them make three good choices for themselves. They see for themselves that they can make good choices, it's a great beginning.

When we finished with the women today I was able to give out a number of caps. They really are a special gift to the children and mothers, even those who are pregnant.


I am always pleased to see them taking notes and following along in their bibles.

Telling each group that we have brought some Bible and Discipleship Booklets always brings applause and then there is the addition of soap this year.

On the way back to the hotel we stopped and picked up some tea for me to take home. But Aaron parked near a vendor selling dresses and I briefly glanced at one but kept on walking. I already made my purchases at the beginning of the trip.

It was a long day today, I was glad to get back to my room, my bed felt so good. Looking forward to tomorrow as we have 2 men's prisons scheduled.

Thank you for praying for us.

That none would be lost,


Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Jan. 15 Kibos Medium Security Prison


Ministry Partners,

Good morning from Kisumu, Kenya. It was a beautiful morning here and although it is not overcast there are clouds in the sky.

 "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21

I was feeling even better today and looking forward to sharing the Gospel again, this time at Kibos Med. Security Prison which is within 30 min. drive.

Most times our breakfast offerings are very basic with no real choices but again today there was a wonderful array to choose from. I try to mostly choose things that provide protein for my day ahead so today I chose granola with yogurt, chicken sausage (it's actually pretty good), beans (just like Pork & Beans but without the pork) and a few potatoes, toast, pineapple, small banana and black tea. I put a few novelty bread items in my zip-lock to save for later although we carry bread for PP&J sandwiches for lunch if anyone wants one.

Even in the rain your income for the day must be earned

Today we were to do a crusade the prison and we were scheduled to be there by 1:30pm but as soon as we arrived the downpour started and as we sat in our van and prayed and prayed for God's perfect will but the downpour continued until finally at 2:30 with it still raining the decision was made that the crusade would not take place today since by the time we set up there would not be enough time to do the crusade and be done by their dinner time at 4. Plus, I just could not see having the prisoners sitting on the wet ground as I was told that this prison does not have a covered area. Perhaps we will be able to add it the remaining day that has only one crusade for the day planned. It's hard to believe that we only have 3 more days of ministry to do here in Kenya and that we have completed 47 total crusades. But I am NOT ready to even think about coming home. 
We returned to the hotel early and the two gals who have been cleaning my room had not finished so I had the opportunity to due a quick comment and give them tracts. When they looked at them they mentioned sharing them and so I gave them a few more so they could keep one for themselves.
It's 4:30 and pouring outside!!!
We appreciate your continuing prayer covering.

That none would be lost,


Monday, January 15, 2024

Jan. 15 Kibos Max. Security Prison


Ministry Partners,

It is a cloudy morning here in Kisumu, Kenya but because the prion we are visiting today is scheduled for this 1:30  this afternoon. That means everyone got to sleep in and breakfast was later at 8:30 and I got a good nights rest last night and slept until 6.

Breakfast was wonderful with too many items to remember but the favorite thing I chose was yogurt with granola, it was very yummy.

Alfred and I spent some time going over the bills and what our final days in Uganda will look like, there is so much to do to finalize this trip. Our final days here in Kenya are coming far too soon.

"I will not kill my complainant when I am released as I have planned, I have forgiven her."
 Kibos Max. Security Prison was only a 30 drive from our hotel but the drive took us through some street merchants that showed the weight of the poverty here. At one point I noticed a young girl (13 or so) made up and standing in the doorway of a shanty with a garment on that told what she was selling. I can't imagine growing up with no options. Some things are just the way of life here, according to Alfred that is why there are so many in prison.
We got stopped by a bunch of vans offloading a group of people as a defected Orthodox Bishop (in all his fancy ragalia?) started marching down the street in front of the group as they were being videoed. I was  glad that the round about gave us an exit.
One woman guard told me not to be concerned as a separate male guard was going through our object lesson bag. I told her I was familiar with the process as I had entered over 350 prisons. Then I handed the male guard the brown bag with 2 ties in it (a gift for the O.C.) which he looked in and then put in the object lesson bag. I then handed him my bible in it's zippered case. I watched as he unzipped the case, looked inside and then zipped it up, handing it back to me. It was nice to see him handle my old bible with respect.
When we got inside about 900 men filled the area in front of where they told me to preach and I had the opportunity to shake hands with a few of them. I was happy to see many of them had chairs to sit on and did not have to sit on the ground. But part way into the crusade all the men that had originally been seated against the walls moved in, coming closer. It's interesting to watch many of them nodding their heads in agreement with some of the things I say. There was a wonderful response to the salvation, forgiveness and apology invitations. It was so good to watch/see/hear. Bishop Moses said there was a powerful move of the Holy Spirit today.
We were unable to get any testimonies as they were already a bit late for their dinner. But before leaving the area the local chaplains had us go the nearby protestant church for a bit to eat. It is really something that those who have little always want to share what they do have. When we finished and I walked outside I saw a little boy playing nearby so I went to the van and got him a cap, then a little girl appeared so I found a cap for her , another boy appeared so he got a cap too.
I am tired tonight but feeling better,  thanks for praying. I'm looking forward to hitting the bed early.

Thanks for holding us up in prayer.
 That none would be lost,

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Jan. 14 Rachuonyo Prison & staff church service


Ministry Partners,

I am thankful that it did not rain last night but that never means rain is not on the horizon.

I am still struggling with this cold and although food has no taste I ate breakfast because I am preaching at one prison today. It is close to a fishing village and upon arriving I realized that I have been here some years ago. Because this is Sunday I was speaking at their church service. There was a small tent with 30 prison staff already gathered with 1,320 inmates gathered close to the front of the tent, across a grassy area and to the right of me in front of a building. It was if I was preaching in the round today. I was thankful for a bit of an overcast sky but before I was finished I was not sure I had enough strength to do so. But the Lord was faithful to me once again and I was able to finish.

"I can do all things through him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 ESV


Officers Alfonse and  Desmond reconcile.


I finally realize today that I have a problem that I need to address with myself, even when I do not feel well I keep pushing to get done whatever is before me. Preaching in the sun today when I knew I was not feeling well was very foolish of me!

When we arrived there were also children in the tent with their parents but I pulled Bishop Moses aside and told him I was not comfortable with sharing my full testimony with children there. I felt bad doing that but my testimony just isn't appropriate for children. I was thankful the parents sent them home.

It is an interesting thing how in the beginning there is such distrust in the eyes of the prisoners even though a bit of it is dispelled as I enter and shake hands with some of them. They will never remember all  the words I say but the object lessons make an impact that they cannot dismiss. Today they responded to all three invitations as well as the prison staff, salvation, forgiveness and apologies.

Alfred did anther good job again as he helps teach the discipleship part of the crusade and Edward and Aaron did a wonderful job translating.

And the 4 testimonies were so powerful, it takes courage to stand in front of everyone and tell how God has just worked in your life. Especially when they admit that they have been planing on taking revenge on their complainant by killing them BUT after hearing the message today they have chosen to forgive them. I never get tired of hearing how the Holy Spirit works in their hearts.

As we were standing to leave the inside area Moses said one of the officers stated he wanted to share his testimony but not until we got outside the prison gate. He told about having a specific disagreement with another officer who had been his close friend and that today he chose to forgive him. Then he pointed out the other officer who was also standing in the group and the other officer admitted that what had been said was true. They both stepped forward and hugged each other saying,"I forgive you." I am telling you, watching reconciliation begin does not get any better than today. Inmates and officers are being set free and choosing to live lives of peace.

I then got a couple of bags of ties out of the van and let all the chaplains and officers pick two before I got into the van while Alfred gave the women present a scarf. They invited us to stay for tea but I knew it was just not something I could do, I was just done. So Alfred, Aaron and I headed out for the 1 1/2 - 2 hour drive to Kisumu where we had been a few days ago. We will do a number of prisons in the area before finishing the Kenya trip. Moses and Edward remained behind but followed shortly after.

  •  Alfred wrote in our WhatApp team communication:  Today was great, thank you all!! I was touched by the testimony of one who had a life sentence and upon appeal he was given 20 years - Now he is remaining to serve 4 years but has forgiven all the people he was intending to go back and harm … God is good !!
  • Chaplin Edward wrote: I agree with you Dr. Alfred, the day was indeed great. Every day is becoming unique with unique confessions. More grace, strength and blessings to Bishop Arlene as the Lord continues to use her to transform lives.

 I took more cold medicine, put the seat back and slept all the way back to Kisumu where Alfred found us rooms at the same hotel where we stayed before. As I am now writing this blog there is a hard rain storm outside and I am glad for a warm room. And then it is over as quickly as it started.

Sunday is buffet night at this hotel so that was our dinner selection.

Please continue to pray as we only have 5 more days of prison crusades here in Kenya. 

That none would be lost,


Saturday, January 13, 2024

Jan. 13 Homa Bay Men's and Women's Prison


Ministry Partners, 

I was happy that the prisons were close today but concerned as it rained all night and I was not sure if we would be out in the open today.

This darling little boy at Homa Bay Women's Prison was so happy with his new crochet cap

I had a tough night dealing with the cold I picked up, coughing and sneezing and did not really want to eat breakfast but knew I needed to eat something if I were to preach two times today. 

When we arrived at the Women's prison it was very small group of 24 women prisoners inside a very small room nut I was so thankful for the top half of the walls being wire as then there was fresh air. Even with the rain it is hot here and being in a room with no ventilation would have been difficult. My throat was so sore and my energy was depleted that when I first stood I was not sure how things would go. But the faithfulness of God to me was evident as I preached the complete crusade with power from the Holy Spirit. The women responded to all the invitations and when we were finished I was able to give each woman a bible and booklet set along with a lightweight donated nylon backpack or shopping bag. There was only one darling baby boy and Aaron picked out a grey cap for me to give him. I was happy that as he sat on my lap with my white face so close to him that he did not cry.

Then we returned to the van to wait 45 min for the staff shift change and counting to be done. It gave me the opportunity to put the seat in the van back and take much needed rest before going into the men's prison of 1,200 men. 

The meeting area was covered with open walls about half way up so again there was plenty of fresh air but the short walk there was muddy to say the least.

The men dressed some in street cloths and some it prison black and white stripped clothing with orange colored sweaters. Although I think it is plenty warm, it is cold for most of them. The preaching went well and the inmates responded to all the invitations: salvation, forgiveness and apologizing but as I started to lead them in the 'Forgiveness" prayer my voice was gone. I said a quick prayer and motioned Alfred to give me the cough drop that was in his pocket, I needed to get some moisture in my mouth. Listening to the inmates pray forgiveness over someone else or themselves is such a precious sound.

Th whole team did an amazing job today, Chaplain Edward, Pastor Alfred, Pastor Aaron and even Bishop Moses did some translating for me.

Chaplain Samuel said, "If you were their teacher the inmates would all get A's."

After we finished a number of inmates gave testimony to what God had done in their heart during our time there. One prisoner said he was planning on taking revenge by killing his accuser, his wife, when he got out. But today he chose to forgive her.

It was a very powerful day and the team commented on the dynamics of watching the Holy Spirit work.

Tomorrow, there is one crusade scheduled nearby and then we will travel to Kisumu to more prisons in that area.

Please continue to pray that:

  • Many more would receive Christ as Savior
  • My health and the health of the team 
  • Travel safety

That none would be lost,


Friday, January 12, 2024

Jan. 12 "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." John 3:17


Ministry Partners,

Today the IRM Kenya ministry team has added another member, Bishop Moses arrived last night but I did not see him until breakfast this morning.

The breakfast was similar to others containing lots of local food selections. I opted for pineapple, omelet, wheat toast and cornflakes with cold milk again!   

The ride to Kendege Prison in Kehancha was about an hour and because our van is small Bishop Moses rode with Edward in his car.

Chaplain Edward, Chaplain Thomas. Pastor Aaron, Bishop Arlene, Pastor Alfred, Bishop Moses and Chaplain Peter


Thomas and Peter are local chaplains for the prison which is a small farm prison. The O.C. that greeted us was a tall fellow and very gracious. He laughed and smiled broadly when I told him I had a gift (2 ties) for him to use when he was not in uniform.

It was a good day although at one point the sun came out and it began to get quite hot. But the men responded to each invitation and even the men preparing their meal, a distance away, stood and responded. A number of men came forward to give their testimony as to how God had worked in their hearts during our time there.

I had noticed at breakfast that my throat was a bit sore but thought perhaps it was from so much preaching but as I finished today and sat down I went to take a drink of water, could not swallow and started choking. By the time I got to the car I new I had picked up a cold and was feeling it all over my body. I have not had a cold in many years but I am trusting the healing power of Jesus and the cold medicine that I brought with me to have me in good shape by tomorrow. I would appreciate your prayers.

Before we left I gave the two chaplains new ties and the woman there a scarf. Then we were off to another prison that was waiting for us but the drive was long and I rested all the way but at one point Bishop Moses decided we would wait and do that prison tomorrow.

The guys found the place to stay where we had stayed before and Alfred got us good rooms and got my computer set up so I could get this blog done.

It's so hard to believe how the days are ticking away and yet there are so many that still need to hear of Jesus's love.

I appreciate your prayers for:

  • Open hearts for the Gospel
  • A fresh anointing for the team
  • Favor with all we neet
  • Health for the team
  •  Traveling safety

 That none would be lost,


Thursday, January 11, 2024

Jan. 11 "I will sing the Lord’s praise, for He has been good to me" Ps.13:6 NIV


Ministry Partners,

"But I trust in Your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in Your salvation. I will sing the Lord’s praise, for He has been good to me.” Psalm 13:5-6 (NIV)

It is another overcast day here in Kisii but there is no concern if it rains as we will be leaving after breakfast for an hour drive to Migori where we will do 2 crusades at Migori prison.

A photo from yesterday at the prison when I gave the lady a crochet cap for her baby.
Breakfast offerings were about the same as yesterday with a huge variety of African favorites that the guys enjoyed. I had beans, sausage, potatoes and strawberry yogurt and then a small bowl of cornflakes because I saw that they had COLD milk. It was my first time to see cold milk usually it is hot which for me means mushy cereal.

The drive went quickly and it was decided that we would visit the women's prison of 75 first. Some of the prisons are so similar in some way and yet so different in others. Mary, one of the chaplains made this prison very different, although she was very much in charge she was also very kind and dynamic in her own unique way. She said that this was not a women's prison but a high school as the women were all learning.
About half way through the rain began hitting the metal roof which signaled that the women had to leave to gather in the corn that they had drying outside as well as cloths. When they returned it was like a cloud burst and the tone of the metal roof made it almost impossible to hear. But Edward just increased the tone of his voice and so did Aaron as the invitations were heard by the women and responded to. Especially when they were directed to apologize to someone they had had a disagreement with. Followed by laughter and huge smiles. They reported that their hearts were now peaceful and happy. As the women were giving their testimonies one of the darling girl child came and sat on my lap and patted m face. What a special treat as all to often my white skin frightens the children and the scream.

After leaving the women's section there was much discussion because although it had stopped raining the ground was too wet for the 750 men to set on. But the decision was made that they would get the benches from the women's section and elsewhere so the men would have a place to sit other than the ground. So many young faces in this men's area of convicted inmates and yet as I was speaking I observed them bringing in more inmates in handcuffs. One young man named Brian was sitting in the front and although almost all other inmates responded to each invitation, Brian did not respond to any. As we were handing out some bibles I stopped in front of him, asked his name and then said to him,"Brian, you need to remember just how much Jesus loves you." Please pray for Brian, I asked the chaplains to keep an eye on him.

This is a special group of chaplains, who showed such kindness throughout, asked us to have a bite to eat with them that had been prepared. I try as best as I can to adapt to the culture here when I can so Alfred quite enjoyed watching me eat with my hands. Even a guard came in and fixed a plate for himself.

Then one of the chaplains went with Edward and us to try and find a place, to stay. The first place didn't work out as there was no internet and the room suggested for me had no seat on the toilet. But we finally found a place down the road about 6:30. I don't prefer being separated from the guys as I am on the ground floor next to the reception area and the guys are on the 2nd floor.
We have ordered dinner but no telling when it will be here, the first two things I picked off the menu were not available. I ordered sweet and sour pork and got a pork chop with some sauce on the side. Alfred and Aaron ordered fish curry and got a whole fried fish and some curry sauce in a dish. I can't tell you how much we laughed. It was a fun evening.
It's been a really long but great day.
That none would be lost,

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Jan. 10 Two crusades at Kisii prison today


Ministry Partners,

Slept fairly well and woke to an overcast day in Kisii, Kenya.

Breakfast found an array of foods that I did not recognize so stuck with chicken sausages, chapati,  yogurt and omelette. It is still a struggle for me to eat first thing in the morning since I do an 18 hr. fast at home but I know I need to eat for energy here to preach. Today we planned to do 2 crusades so that is 4 to 5 hours of preaching.

The IRM Kenya team today was a good one at Kisii Main Prison. Aaron, Edward, Arlene, Alfred and John
Chaplain Edward now also translates for me at times and his powerful voice is a good addition to the team. At times when I need to get really animated for object lessons Alfred and Aaron do as well and now so does Edward. It is so very nice working with these three men, I am thankful for them.
Today we did two crusades at Kisii prison, one for Remand prisoners 1,450 (those who have not had a court hearing yet) in the morning under a covered roof and one for convicted prisoners 850 in the afternoon, in the open. I was thankful for the cloudy cover and God held back the rain although there were a few sprinkles as we finished.
It is such an amazing thing to watch the skepticism on their faces in the beginning but then watch as they began to nod their heads in agreement to what we are teaching as some have a head knowledge about religious facts and principles. In a number of places we include some humor and it is good to hear them laugh. The prisoners fully responded to each invitation and at the convicted prisoner's crusade at least one M..... accepted Christ a Savior.

When we finished and took the above photo outside the prison I noticed a woman with a baby sitting next to a building cross from where we were parked so I got a crochet cap and took it to her. Then I noticed another woman with a baby sitting inside the room so I went and also got a cap for her baby. Both of them thanked me in English. I did not have time to chat as we were headed out but it was nice to see the smiles on their faces.
I also gave Chaplain John two ties the other day and today he chose 2 more to give to one of the young chaplains who was also with us. It's so nice to have the donated scarves, ties, and crochet caps to give away. Thanks so much to everyone who donates, the gifts really are appreciated.

We got back to our hotel before 4:00 and I was so pleased that there were no loud banging construction sounds. The silence is very nice to be able to concentrate on what I am writing. I would take a rest but then I would not sleep tonight so having this blog to write is a good thing. But when we came back from dinner at 6:30 the construction noises began again!!!

I told Alfred to order me the same thing for dinner at 5:30 that I had last night as it was good, pork ribs, potatoes and steamed veggies. Yet when the food arrived at 6 they had decided to give me a severely dried out pork chop that appeared to be leftover from yesterday, it just was not edible.
It is so nice being able to get this blog done early because then Alfred and I can get the book work and finances done so I can get to bed before it gets late. But getting the blog done early may be short lived as tomorrow we start traveling only staying one night per location.
I am giving God praise again tonight that he has allowed me to be here and thank you for your part in it.
That none would be lost,

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Jan. 9 1st prison in Kenya today


Ministry Partners,

Today started early as we have an at least 2 hour drive to get to Kisii to meet Chaplain Edward who will take us to the first prison there.

Now that we are in Kenya, donkeys are everywhere.

Today, the roads on the drive here were especially filled with speed bumps and jarring more than usual so by the time we got to Kisii I had to take something for the pain in my right hip. That, along with an intestinal issue made it a tough drive for me.

Edward easily found us and we followed him to the women's prison where I had visited a number of years ago. Today, we found 220 women and 10 guards there. The O.C. was very nice and said she had met me before at another prison. The two women chaplains who met us outside the prison entrance were also so very nice. When the women were asked how many had heard me speak before only 4 said they had. About 30 min. into the crusade we were asked to stop as the women had to return to their rooms to be counted.

After they returned and I was in the middle of leading then in the prayer to receive Jesus as their savior the demonic attack I received was a surprise to say the least. I have led that prayer over 350 times with over 180,000 receiving Christ as savior but about half way through the prayer, it was as if my mind was empty with no memory of what words should come next. I stood there silent for about a minute asking the Holy Spirit for help and then the needed words returned and the 225 prisoners and guards finished the prayer. 

When the ladies sat down I felt they needed an explanation so I told them about the radiation damage to my memory banks due to a tumor in my skull and that it was VERY clear to me that Satan did not want them to receive God's free gift of salvation today and he tried to stop me from completing the prayer with them. But God loved them so much that he restored what Satan tried to rob from me so they could finish the prayer.

I am so thankful for Edward, Alfred and Aaron as they did not intervene and proceed without me as they just waited before the Lord with me. Satan has tried to make me embarrassed but I chose to focus on the victory of it all through the Holy Spirit's faithfulness to me. 

At the end of the crusade we handed out scarves and the women put them on as soon as they received them. I am a bit sad as there are only a few scarves left.

At testimony time one inmate, who caught my attention from the beginning as she was so intent on watching me, said I came just for her because today she is free. As tears ran down her cheeks she said her husband had abused her so badly that she and her brother had killed him. He now is also in prison and his 3 children and her 4 children are with her mother. After watching the object lesson about forgiving an abuser even if he is dead she knew she needed to forgive him, release her anger, and forgive herself setting herself free. I asked her her name, hugged her, kissed her on the cheek and told her I would be praying for her. Please pray for her.

It was too late to do the second prison when we finished so the decision was made to do it tomorrow along with the third one that is also here, 1 Convicted and 1 Remand.

Edward had already found us a place to stay for two nights so we did not have to drive around finding one. But the construction that is going on upstairs hopefully will end by bedtime.

The tile shower floor makes me nervous when it is wet so I asked for a plastic basin so I can sit on the shower floor and wash up, not the best but works well for me. They also brought me a fan to help cool the room, hopefully I will sleep well tonight. 

When they came for me to order dinner I asked if the beef was tender and was told, "Not really", so I ordered pork ribs and they were tender and very good. Aaron had a hamburger and fries, Edward had Tilapia and Alfred had fish stew.

Please pray for:

  • The Holy Spirit would soften the hearts of the prisoners for the gospel
  • A fresh anointing for the team 
  • Healing for Alfred, he's struggling with a cold
  • Health would remain good for the team

That none would be lost,


Monday, January 8, 2024

Jan. 8 Today we leave for Kenya.


Ministry Partners,

After breakfast Alfred and Aaron had errands to do before we could leave, which was at 11 o'clock. It was about 4 hours to the boarder and 1 hour to pass through arriving in Kenya at 4 o'clock.

 Crossing the boarder from Uganda to Kenya

Then it was 3 hours for us to arrive in Kisumu, Kenya. Tuesday we will meet up with Chaplain Edward in Kisi and visit our first prison.

Watching the fields of rice, corn and other vegetables and of course the rain as we drove away from the boarder made me think of home. But the Tukutuku's (that's what Aaron calls them, 3 wheeled small vehicles that clog up traffic. 

When we arrived in Kisumu, we were all tired, so Alfred hired a motorbike man to take us to a hotel, it was a good idea as then we did not have to drive around trying to find a decent place. My room is okay but the best thing was the very nice young man, Trevor, that helped me with me bag, got my computer connected to the WiFi and then stood for a few minutes to just chat. Of course I steered the conversation to IRM's work in the prisons and in the process I shared the Gospel. He commented that the people of Kenya are religious and that opened the door for me to share with him that religion does not get anyone to heaven. That the Bible says our own works are like filthy rags before God and shared Eph. 2:8&9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast. At that point we were interrupted but I pray the Holy Spirit uses that scripture to bring him to salvation. As we went to eat I saw Trevor again and gave him one of my gospel tracts.  Please pray for him.

We all had Sweet and Sour Pork for dinner and it was very good. I got into a discussion with the restaurant manager and found out he was a Seventh Day Adventist pastor. We had a great chat.

It's 9 o'clock and I need to bathe.

Please pray for us as we as we start the 1st of our 20 prison crusades tomorrow.

That none would be lost,
