There are far too many "Thank You's" to list but I note a few of them here.
"Thank you", to my friend, Bobbie for the many ways she partners with me. She volunteers at my home church, New Life, in the Missions Dept. and she is truly a "gift" to me and IRM as she continually types and prints my messages. Actually, she prints, prints, prints - everything I need and her wise council and prayers are a huge encouragement. This photo reminds me that this trip she printed 2,700 gospel tracts not only for me to use but for some of my teammates to also hand out. These postcard size green tracts are filled with scripture and are very clear in sharing the love of Jesus Christ and His sacrificial provision for our sins. As I look at them I am reminded of the following scripture:
"My word, which comes from my mouth, is like the rain and snow. It will not come back to me without results. It will accomplish whatever I want and achieve whatever I send it to do." Isaiah 55:11
"Thank You" to those of you who consistently pray for IRM and for me and most recently, have been specifically praying for my toes. A few days ago, while walking through my house at 1am in the dark, I stubbed my left foot on a chair leg. After a trip to the Emergency room and x-rays it was discovered I had fractured (broken) one toe. The Dr. told me if I stayed down, elevated and iced my very swollen and painful foot, I would be in OK shape for today, with the addition of a not exactly stylish, "boot." Of course, you and I know the best medicine for my foot & toe is Jesus healing hand.
I have never been so pampered, "Thank You" to Lorraine and Betty who brought me delicious dinners ~ the first time in my life to have friends provide in such a manner. I can only offer praise to God that this is a minor bump in the road and it is nothing to keep me home from this trip. I no longer have to try and decide which nice shoes to take with me, thus saving luggage space and weight ---a hidden blessing. Since I spent Sunday with my foot elevated and iced I was unable to get a photo of teammate David, Suzanne and myself for this "post". Considering this current "foot" issue, I must once again say.........
"Thank You" to teammate Kristy for procuring the shortest flight itinerary in my 6 trips to Rwanda.
I have never been so pampered, "Thank You" to Lorraine and Betty who brought me delicious dinners ~ the first time in my life to have friends provide in such a manner. I can only offer praise to God that this is a minor bump in the road and it is nothing to keep me home from this trip. I no longer have to try and decide which nice shoes to take with me, thus saving luggage space and weight ---a hidden blessing. Since I spent Sunday with my foot elevated and iced I was unable to get a photo of teammate David, Suzanne and myself for this "post". Considering this current "foot" issue, I must once again say.........
"Thank You" to teammate Kristy for procuring the shortest flight itinerary in my 6 trips to Rwanda.
"Anyway, you know God has a plan for this. The first thing that comes to my mind is that there is someone who will see you in your boot when you get to Rwanda and it will happen when God has made an appointment with that person's heart. Your infirmity will be used to help heal another soul that has been waiting for the day. So I will pray in this regard while you are there the next few weeks. Blessings to you my sister. With Jesus' love, Judy."
Thanks, Norma, my friend & neighbor who took me to Emergency and to the airport today. "Thank You" to neighbors and friends, Jean, Jo and Norma all who will perhaps be glad to get rid of me as the last month they continually heard ~ "You wouldn't happen to have .............?"
We depart Portland in just a few hours at 12pm and I will post again as I am able and internet service is available.
Thanks again to each one of you who partnered, in your own unique way as God laid it on your heart, with IRM in serving the people of Rwanda. Please continue to faithfully praise....pray....praise....pray....praise....
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