Monday, June 13, 2022

June 13, 2022 Flight Day

 Yesterday was a special Sunday for me as I was introduced and prayed for at both services at my church, thanks Pastor Ron.

As I write this post I am at the airport seated at the gate I will depart from in about 2 hours. John and Linda stayed with me until all the bags and I were checked in. The gal at the counter was such a help and so very nice, she told us she was also a christian. Katy did a great job weighing every bag as I pepared to leave and if you are reading this Katy just know every bag was just under the #50 limit.  

Alfred called from Uganda a few minutes ago, so nice to know my team is as excited for my arrival as I am to get there.

This is the flight pattern I will be on for the next two days:

I appreciate your prayers,

That none would be lost,



  1. We are praying for you!!! Much Love, Laura & Victor Sasek

  2. I've been thinking of and praying for you lately. Have a safe trip. Hugs and blessings, Becky, Phil and Megan.
