Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 23

Ministry Partners,
And a very “Good Morning” to you from Lake Victoria!

This really is a lovely place with a wonderful view, a place to catch our breath after the very busy week we have had.

The units here are round with a thatched roof and it’s just a short walk to the edge of Lake Victoria, the source of the Nile, where I now sit writing this post. On the way down the path there was now a locked gate across the path and for a moment I was disappointed that I could not get down to the water’s edge but as I was standing there a young fisherman came walking by and opened the gate for me. Great timing, thank you Lord. 

I am sitting next to a small village and I can hear some fisherman talking as they prepare to go out on the lake while others are already out and have been for some time but as I see one boat returning it appears they are having an issue. The man in the back is paddling and the man in front is bailing water. Ooooops, it appears their boat is leaking. I can see another boat coming in but they do not appear to be having a problem. It’s only 8am so they must have gone out very early, I can see that some are one man boats and some two man.

I am disappointed that Alfred’s efforts to get our Sim card registered were not fruitful so no portable hot spot for me. I will have to continue to write a Word doc. and then copy and paste it onto the blog by using Alfred’s phone. It’s the long way around but hopefully it will continue to work.

Everywhere we stay breakfasts are complimentary and this mornings was wonderful and Alfred did not schedule it until 9 as our time to arrive at the prison is not until this afternoon.. 

The prison we are going to today is a small farm prison of about 80. The O.C. asked us to wait and come at 3 o’clock as he would have the prisoners back at 2 then they could be ready for us by three.           
It was almost time to return to the lodge area and the rain was coming but I was sitting under a thatched roof cover as I watched some of the fisherman. One of the young ones smiled at me so I greeted him and I found he spoke English as he came where I was. I asked him about the fisherman bailing out the boat and he said when it rained it filled the boats with water so they had to bail them out. His name is Godfrey and he asked what I was doing here and I knew this was a God ordained opportunity to share the Gospel and then give him a bible set.
Arlene and 22 yr. old fisherman, Godfrey

After breakfast I had some time so I took a nap until time to go at 12:30. I was disappointed that the road we needed to take to the prison was not passable due to the rains so we drove quite a distance around to another road only to find out it too was closed. After driving a long distance to the third road we were finally on our way to the prison arriving at 3:30.

The O.C. welcomed us and said we were not late as the inmates were still on their way back from the fields. We waited while he instructed a few of the inmates that were there on how to pot up a small tent to shield us from the sun. Finally they arrived and we began our crusade. The guards and the O.C all stayed to hear what I would say. It was wonderful to watch the Holy Spirit speak into everyone's hearts as the inmates, the staff and the O.C. respond to the invitation for salvation and for the "Forgiveness" prayer. It was wonderful to have enough Bible sets for everyone. As we left the in inmates were preparing to eat their dinner.

The drive home was long and rough as potholes large and small are connected by "bits" of pavement and it makes me wonder just how long any vehicle's shocks last.
Looks like we need a new tire!

It was dark and late but at one point Aaron stated that we had blown a tire. But even with that it was reason to give God praise as we were just down the street from our hotel. He will have to see in the morning about getting a new (used) tire and checking the underneath of the van as in the darkness we hit a couple of potholes VERY hard. We are taking this van to Kenya so we need to be sure it is in good shape.

I am still having trouble with headaches and after the bumpy roads I pinched a nerve in my back. But I can tell you seeing the Holy Spirit work today it is SO worth the little distractions the enemy is throwing at us. 

Thank you again for fithfully praying for the team and me. Tomorrow we head out for three days and will be staying out of town. We will drive for awhile tomorrow and then visit a prison before finding a place to stay. Geoffrey will head out tomorrow at 6 in a rented pick-up to deliver a few Bible sets at every prison we will visit over the next few days.

Please continue to pray for:
  • Open hearts for the Gospel
  • That we would find favor with everyone we meet
  • Travel safety
  • Health for the team and me
 That none would be lost,

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