Sunday, August 2, 2015

Aug. 2

Ministry Partners,

I would have thought I was in Oregon as I woke  this morning to the sound of rain falling outside my open windows. One thing about it is that those who clean all the outside tile walkways and steps will not have to splash water on them to wipe them clean this morning. As we finished eating Julius came by and when I requested a photo with him he said that's why he came by, he also wanted one.
By the time we had finished breakfast, and not in the garden today, the rain  had stopped although it was still overcast.

Upstairs in a conference room, adjacent to the guys room, they were up last night practicing their music for the crusade that would take place there today. So I am happy for those coming on the most popular mode of travel, motor bikes, that the rain has stopped. I am happy my room is on ground level so I do not have to climb the stairs and I can have our portable sound system in my room thereby also being ably to play Lugandan Christian music while it is charging for the next day. My room maid said they will miss me and they will miss hearing my music. Many of them have told me how much they appreciate hearing the music as they work.

Julius laughed today when  he said that when he first heard them practicing for the crusade .... it was quite loud ..... he thought I had taken my sound system outside and turned it up more than usual.

It was difficult after breakfast to face the fact of packing up the sound system and other items that needed to be wrapped well and taped shut in an effort to preserve things clean and well if God brings me back next year. Geoffrey told Alfred that the church had a sound system and ours would not be needed BUT it just seemed far to final as I placed the tape on each box!

Pastor Geoffrey arrived about 10 and as soon as the guys had everything loaded for the day we were off to the church he had chosen for us to minister in. Imagine my delight when Julius climbed into our van to go with us, he wanted to hear "Mom" preach. We arrived at the church, World Healing Embassy, while their choir was singing and then they sang a second song in English. I am not sure it was done just to bless the visitors, us, but it did.  As we were seated one of the women in leadership came, got down on her knees, greeted me and handed me a bottle of water. Although it is their culture it is still hard for me to be greeted in such a manner.
The pastor then introduced Pastor Geoffrey who then introduced me and I introduced the team. It was another powerful day of watching the Holy Spirit work. After announcements the pastor called me forward again to close in prayer but as I was praying something interesting happened that I will share when I get home. I cannot tell you how excited they were to receive some Bibles and Booklets for their church. And I also left them with bags of ties for the men and scarves were handed out to the women as they dismissed. I was disappointed that the pastor's wife for me to was not there for me to meet but I gave him her gift and the church members seemed ever so pleased to see him holding it 
 as the gift bag appeared to be a woman's purse.
Pastor Jordan & Arlene @ World Healing Embassy

After services Julius returned to Joka's to work and we proceeded to the house Geoffrey rents to leave all the items for storage and then I took the team for a "Thank You" dinner. We had a good meal and then each shared about the impact of the trip on us and how we appreciated each other. The team shared a time of laughter and of tears. I really am blessed to be serving alongside men that have such a heart for sharing the Gospel and men who are willing to make whatever person sacrifices are necessary so that the lost hear about God's great love for them.
Arlene & Julius
 When we arrived back at home base Alfred and I worked on the final financial paperwork while Julius surprised us for a second time with a tray of ice cold pineapple to munch on while we worked.

It's so very hard to believe that this is my last night here but the packed bags in my room lend evidence to the fact.
Tomorrow is the last morning I will see this smiling face serving me breakfast
We have a luncheon scheduled for tomorrow and then the guys will take me to Entebbee to catch my very late night flight.

That none would be lost,

1 comment:

  1. have a safe trip home, my friend. Thanks for sharing your journey and can't wait to see you here in OR where it has not been raining at all! Sigh! I keep praying it will soon though! Hugs!
