How exciting to be starting this trip with the web site and this blog, another new beginning! Words cannot express how grateful I am to Pastor Dustin Brown for getting the site going and Mike Gill for all the general computer help. I could not be doing all of this without the help from so many people, gifted in different areas of service, willing to partner and encourage me. I have never done any "blogging" so I would appreciate your patience and prayers as I learn this new skill. Dustin and I felt this would be an important feature to have on the site so I could keep you informed of the events of the day, while I am in Rwanda, especially, since flexibility is the name of the game while we are there and unplanned events are bound to occur. This blog will not only keep you informed but it will help you know how to pray as "things" come up or change. It will also be a great way for you to "Praise the Lord" along with us each day as we watch God work.
I have uploaded a photo, yahoo!!!!, it worked, of one of the dear ladies that I worked with on the last trip, she was so happy to finally have a Bible of her very own. Her name is Vastina, pray for her as she is dying. I am scheduled to revisit this group of 26 precious ladies and spend the day with them. I am so looking forward to reconnecting with them and Pastor Deo says they continue to pray for me. I am blessed by such a very special gift!!!
Plans are in full swing for the Sept. 24 trip to Rwanda with only seven weeks to go, it will be here before we know it.
That's all for today as I need to see if I did this correctly.
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