Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Nov. 19 - It is true, God has given me a special love for both men and women prisoners


Ministry Partners,

It was such a beautiful, cool morning today but the day would contain a lot of heat and then some rain.

We went for breakfast at ten to eight but had to wait until after eight to order and the waited 30 minutes for our order to come at eight forty-five. It meant that we would have to eat quickly to leave for the prisons at nine which we ended up not being able to do until 9:15. 

It was a short drive to the prison and we drove across an interesting bridge over the Nile River. This is the area where Lake Victoria meets the Nile.

Today we started with the large men's prison followed by the nearby women's prison.

The young and very nice Deputy O.C. welcomed and stayed through the whole crusade and it was wonderful to see him also stand and pray asking Jesus to be his Savior. This really was a massive prison, once you get inside you see that it is three stories high inside. The common area in the center was filled with prisoners. And we could see on the other levels prisoners watching us and also listening to the crusade. It was wonderful that they had a powerful sound system so we did not have to use ours, we just used our microphones plugged into their system. I just never get tired of looking into the faces of inmates and then watching them be transformed from their hopeless, dead look into a face that is smiling and eyes that are bright. over 1500 responded to all three of the invitations.

When we ask for testimonies, one man came forward that said he had seen me at another prison and the message I shared then changed his life. Everyone applauded as I tell them that because I an 80 years old, I am mama to everyone. Then I gave him a mama hug and gave the remaining inmates that same hug following their testimonies, while applause followed each one. It is true, God has given me a special love for both men and women prisoners and they feel comfortable calling me Mama. 

When we finished the Deputy O.C. told me he could not believe that I stood and preached for that whole time while Alfred and Aaron took turns. We all laughed at that.

Over at the women's prison we were greeted by an O.C. dressed in a bright pink long skirt and top. She looked beautiful. Everything was set up outside under a large tree as we waited for them to finish eating but as they finished it began to rain. Plans changed as they ushered us into a very small room but we made it work with some on the women sitting on the floor all scooted together, some on benches and the remaining few peered at us from the hallway. Goodness, the tears that flowed as the women forgave someone else or themselves. During testimony time one inmates stated that she never thought Jesus could/would forgive ALL her sins, only some. But today she realized that from my teaching He would forgive all her sins.

We we finished we gave them the underpants, our remaining purchase that we had procured from the Commissioner. The I distributed the crochet caps to the pregnant mothers and then the rest of the 18 children.

When we finished I asked the women if the would pray for me as the terrible pain in my back and hip had returned. The guys and I are convinced it is a demonic attach. I am thankful God has the victory in all we are doing here.

On the was home we stopped to eat a very early dinner. Since it is hard for me to find something to eat, I choose pizza with extra cheese and I saved some for tomorrow's lunch. Alfred purchased he and Aaron cappuccino's but since I cannot drink coffee I received a special bag of cookies.

As I sit on my bed writing this blog I can hear the gentle rain outside. There will red mud everywhere tomorrow.

That none would be lost,



  1. Another day has been through safely and you're in our prayers from bible study. I hope your pain goes away completely my friend. Thanking the prisoners who accepted Jesus into their hearts and mind. I had a rsv shot about an hour after bible study. A bit of pain on my arm. So far so good after having a nap due to being a bit tired. Hugs and blessings, Becky
