We are now in Northern Rwanda in the Musanzi area.
Internet service in Kigali has been down so I have not been able to send a new post.
At every turn we are continuing to watch God do great things.
For three days I have struggled with a sore, scratchie throat that does not allow me to get a good nights rest so I would appreciate your prayers. At times when I was to preach, and I am coughing violently, the Lord's hand upon me is so very evident when He enables me to share what the Holy Spirit has given me..... without a single cough !!!!
We have just had dinner and the team has all retired after a long day of travel and ministry. I preached at the Rehabilitation Center for Rebels from the Congo forests and Pastor Roger preached at the Reconciliation Village.
Although the team members had heard me share, back in America, about what God has allowed me to see Him do in Rwanda, they admit they were skeptical but no longer. As we watch the Holy Spirit empower us for each scheduled and unscheduled ministry opportunity, I find I am no longer the only one crying as we see the impact of His love on these beautiful people, forgotten by most of the world but not by God.
Imagine if you will, being the first white people to visit a village, where a car has never been seen before. And yet they cleared miles of "road" so we could visit them. 100's were there and they are awaiting our second visit on the 11th to share the Gospel for a second time, inviting others in the surrounding mountains to attend. We were given the gift of seeing them preform some tribal dancing...it was beautiful, and you might be surprised to know just who did some dancing with them. Jon and Pastor Roger will accompany the women's team on the 11th.
Pastor Roger and Jon have had a tremendous time doing the first 3 day Prison Pastor Training Program at Rilima Prison and the pastors at the 1930 Prison where I preached yesterday are eagerly awaiting our return so they can start on Monday.
Tomorrow I preach at the prison here and in the afternoon Tanya, Pastor Dorothea and I will do ministry with an HIV/Aids group from Bishop John Rucyahana's Church. Bishop John spoke at Mission Connexion Northwest earlier this year. I have been invited to preach at his church on Sunday before returning to Kigali later in the day.

Arlene at Bishop John's Church last year
I am so very thankful for each member of this team, Men and women who love God deeply and allow God to stretch them. Truly, each member of this team has seen God work in such a wonderful way that none of us will ever be the same.
We all give God "Thanks" and "Praise" for allowing us to be HIS ambassadors.
Because of the current internet issues I am not sure when I can get on line again to post. Please continue to pray for.........
for the team
Thanks for the update and will continue to pray for you and the team. God bless and rest well, my friend.