Saturday, December 16, 2023

Dec. 16 A motorbike, a pot hole and a heavy bread box


Ministry Partners,

A motorbike, a pot hole and a and heavy bread box

Yesterday as we were almost home the traffic stopped as we was going up a bit of a grade. A motorbike with a wooden bob of baked goods started around us on the left when bike hip a pothole and the weight of the filled box flipped the  front of the motorcycle up in the air and the driver made a hasty sit down on the box filled with bread that had hit the ground. Men on the street rushed to help the shocked driver get his bike back down on the street. Because we were stopped and I already had my camera in my hand I was able to get a good photo.

It was a beautiful morning here in Kampala, Uganda. And the night was quiet and the next door dog must have gotten a good nights sleep.

We only ate half our breakfast but wrapped the rest at take with us in our lunchbox along with most of my dinner(pizza) from last night. The to-go box fits on the dash and the sun heats it just right for lunch.

Today we visited the men and women prisoners at Nakifumo Prison. It is an exciting thing to watch/hear the prisoners making good decisions for themselves. It was an hour drive and they held us at the entrance since the O.C. was not there yet. After some time they let us in so the guys could set up as I greeted some of the prisoners.

As we sat in the van waiting to go in we watch inmates carrying huge bundle after bundle of green leafy Jobyo or Nakati on their backs/shoulders and one of the women guards told us that the mix it with beans for there meal. Others were carrying water from outside to inside the prison. Then there was one inmate who made several trips leading goats from inside to outside the prison but did not see where he took them.  

There was one older inmate that was clearly a M....... with his cap on that kept nodding his head as I spoke and I watched stand up to every invitation, salvation, forgiveness and apologizing and asking forgiveness from other inmates. When we asked for someone to share how the Holy Spirit had worked in his heart during our time with them he stated,"The message was very touching and he felt different in his spirit. He asked the other inmates to forgive him for his rudeness and he forgave then. He said they needed to all work together to ease their life in prison. One of the women stated, "She forgave her complainant after listening to my testimony, that she could not give the devil a second chance to torture her. She stated the rope teaching aid explained how the devil uses forgiveness."

I am drinking lots of water but the heat got to me a bit today so although the rough, to say the least, I put the seat back and rested on the drive home. Instead of working on this blog in my room I am working on it from a comfy chair in the living room with my feet up. I don't dare take a nap as then I really won't sleep tonight. As I sit here it is beginning to rain and I glad it did not rain while we were at the prison. Yesterday the clouds were dark and heavy while I was preaching and I kept saying a silent prayer asking the Lord to hold back the rain. His answer was yes but within 2 minutes of us finishing the crusade the downpour began. I feel sorry for the wedding that is going on outside in another area of this hotel.

As we drove through one village/town today one business was loudly playing christian Christmas music, it was nice to hear. It's hard to believe I have already been here 11 days. 

I am not hungry tonight so just having my breakfast crepes with a little peanut butter and jelly. It will be nice to go to bed early. The guys are eating "local foods".

That none would be lost.



  1. Thank you for not only telling us about what the Holy Spirit is doing in your crusades, but also giving us a glimpse of the life that goes on around you.
