Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010 - A New Year

Lord, as a New Year begins
We come to you and ask for your blessing
We pray that you would give us joy to fill our days
And peace to fill our hearts and love to fill our lives.
Thank you for the plans you have for us in the New Year.

My heart was grateful as I saw God pour out His blessings on all He called and equipped me to do.

Thanking God for you, IRM partners, and praying your new year is blessed in every way.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Jesus is the reason for the season

Merry Christmas
A New Year filled
with God's peace and blessings
The JOY of Christmas is JESUS

Jesus Christ is....
The message of all that God has to say to us
The fullness of all that God has to give us
The essence of all that God wants us to be.

Jesus, the word of God incarnated
image of God revealed
fullness of God imparted
glory of God reflected
grace of God extended
power of God demonstrated
The heart of God expressed
love of God manifested
salvation of God provided



International Reconciliation Ministries

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Merry Christmas

"Unto you this day a child is born
which is
Christ the Lord"

Font size
Jesus is the Gift
Jesus is the Gift that perfectly fits the size of every heart and it is with His love that all celebration starts. We rejoice in Him as we remember His birth and thank God for sending His only Son to earth. His life led from a manger to a cross on a hill
where He faithfully followed His Father's perfect will. He freely laid down everything so that we could live, and there is no greater treasure anyone could give. Like a scarlet ribbon His love wrapped around the cross and He offered it to us all at the greatest cost. So each time that we give we remember what He's done and honor the
perfect Gift - God's one and only Son.

by Holley Gerth

The "Bible Set" gifts you gave to Rwandan prisoners and villagers brought smiles, tears then singing and dancing.


Because of your financial gifts the
Sept.- Oct., 09 mission trip resulted in

God providing IRM ministry opportunities

  • 2 churches
  • 3 HIV/AIDS groups
  • 2 Reconciliation Villages
  • 8 Prison visits
  • 1 Rehabilitation Center for Rebels from the Congo
  • Distributed 2,000 Gospel Tracts
  • Distributed Partner donated scarves (800) & ties (400)
  • Distributed 2,680 Partner donated Bible & Discipleship Booklet sets
  • $1,000 Peace Basket Special Fundraiser for HIV/AIDS womens project
  • The IRM "Core Team" was established

God gave the “Harvest”:
  • 114 - Recommitments to Christ
  • 187 - Prisoners confessed their crimes (hidden sin)
  • 2,100 - Forgive You Enemies or Yourself Decisions
  • 10,276 - Salvation Decisions

I can only say --
"I praise you God for your faithfulness and for allowing us to see you work"

"Thank You" Ministry Partners
God is using your continued prayers and financial support to bless the people of Rwanda
