Thursday, August 11, 2016

Aug. 10 & 11 …….. Thanks Lord for keeping us safe today!!!

Ministry Partners,

Yesterday was a day for getting errands done as Aaron went and had our van serviced due to the miles we have traveled up-country and on dirt roads while Alfred went to exchange money. It’s hard to explain how that takes the whole day but just know it takes 3 hours to get to the center of town from where we stay and then 3 hours to return all of that time due to the traffic here that is just a part of their lifestyle.

While Alfred was exchanging money Aaron and I went to the Craftsmen’s Market where I was able to find some jewelry and two pair of fun cool crop style cotton summer pants. One is purple, black and white while the other is brown, beige, gold and black and both pair have elephants on them. They are just “fun” pants and something I would not usually wear for sure but they were only $7 each so the price was right. 

Alfred arrived and said he just started looking in each stall until he spotted me and I told him Aaron deserved a medal for being so patient with my shopping/bargaining!

Since we were still in town at dinner time we went to the place Foursquare Pastor John Kamazi took us to and even though Alfred had fish and chips, Aaron and I had pizza. It was good to have something different from the regular fare here but chose to something that was familiar to my American taste buds.  I ordered double cheese and it was about a regular amount of cheese on an American pizza. Even though Alfred had some of mine I could not eat it all but he also helped Aaron eat his so Aaron did not need a take home bag like me.

Today we had a regular 8 am breakfast morning so we could be ready to leave for the prison as soon as we had loaded.

The hotel we are staying at and have stayed at since I started coming to Uganda has some new 3 story building construction going on so we are not able to drive our van close to our rooms for loading and unloading our supplies. I must say today’s verse as so appropriate;

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 NIV

We had made a number of trips to the van this morning through the narrow walkway when what appeared to be a large, tall, wooden form for a cement pillar came crashing to the ground from the top story. 

The numerous boards that were banded together appeared to be 1x12’s about 12 feet long. Praise God for his ever present help everyday and his protection today for our physical bodies.

Although we have a letter from the government giving us permission to enter Alfred has been unable to reach the O.C. by phone to let them know we were coming and to finalize our visit. As we traveled to the prison we stopped and met up with Pastor Geoffrey and Peace, who was going to a prison with us for the first time.

It was a bit of a drive to get to Buwambo Prison so we were disappointed when the Deputy O.C. told us most prisoners were working or in court and then he asked us to come back Sunday at 10 sharp, It is a prison of 140 – 160 with no women except for the ones who are officials.

So, it is 2 pm and Alfred went to run another errand and has taken the van which leaves Aaron resting in his room and I will do some packing then finish this post. With having a prison to do ministry in on Sunday I will not have time to pack up and although my flight leaves Monday after 11pm the team has a commitment in town earlier in the day.
Well, we are scheduled to be at Kasangati Prison tomorrow but we will see what tomorrow brings. 

Please pray for:

  •  for open hearts with good soil for the Gospel
  • a fresh anointing for the team

 That none would be lost,

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