Thursday, July 28, 2016

July 28 ... A scarf and a smile

Ministry Partners,

Today was another day to watch God intercede for us.

Our regular breakfast included plain corn flakes in the bowl I requested for my granola so a mixed a small amount of my granola with it and a bit of hot African tea and it was quite tasty.

Aaron arrived and he checked the radiator after we packed the equipment, the Bible sets and blankets for the prisoners. We were going to a small prison off 120 today.

But first, but first, but first we need to stop by the bank again and this time with the information they requested before they would be releasing our funds into our newly opened account. We dropped Alfred off in front of the bank and proceeded to our special parking place. The attendant did not want to allow us to park because he said last time we did not pay. Aaron assured him that we had paid the other attendant and apologized the funds (a bribe actually) had not been shared with him. Sometimes dealing with the culture here is quite different from what I would do at home. I was thankful he finally let us park.

Finally, Alfred appeared after over an hour but with such good news. God had intervened for us and the bank manager had finally approved for the IRM funds to be transferred to our newly opened account.

Then it was off to the small work prison of 120 with 11 women and Pastor Geoffrey and Alfred’s sister, Ann, met us along the way.

It was a hot, sunny day so we would be preaching in the sun but I was thankful the men prisoners would be under a narrow covered porch and the women would be under the cover but on the far right side.

We followed the same format as usual but about half way through two young men and a young woman cam and sat under the cover but between the men and women. I found out later that they were from another org. and they come to the prison every week. After we finished they asked if they could also have the Discipleship Booklet which I was more than happy to share with them.

The Holy Spirit worked in the hearts of many and this time because there were so few we were able to hand out the Bible sets to each one there. I wish I had a photo to share with you as dressed in their yellow prison garb they squatted in two rows, English and Lugandan, to shake hands and receive the precious gift set. 

Thank you to each one who supports this ministry and the Bible ministry.

 A  scarf, tract and smile

As we were driving back to the main road I spotted an older woman walking along the road so I asked Aaron to stop. Her sweet look of surprise when I placed the scarf and tract in her hand was evident in her sweet smile. What fun.

We stopped at a market to purchase bread for sandwiches and Geoffrey and Ann left us to go home. Alfred emerged with the bread but also treated us to some deep fried Casava, which I have eaten plain before but didn’t care for. Just let me say, the deep fried is very good.

It rained on us on the way home and with the road construction that is going on muddy road ways and traffic hold-ups saw to it that we were happy to finally see the “Mandela” soccer stadium as that means our hotel is very close.

I took a break from writing this to go to dinner with the guys but it was soon evident that we were all too exhausted to finish our food. Emotional and physical stress take their toil in all this heat.

As soon as I post this I will take that hot bath I have been looking forward to and then go straight to bed, by 9 I hope.

Please pray for strength and energy for all of us and that Jesus himself would intercede for us and stop every hindrance to us and this ministry.

Pray for open hearts for the Gospel as we enter another prison tomorrow.

Thank you partners for keeping this ministry and us before the throne.  

That none would be lost,


  1. The LORD says to you Arlene, that your efforts are of utmost importance to Him, of utmost value, of utmost pleasure to Him! Zeph 3:17 (NIV and NASB)

  2. The LORD says to you Arlene, that your efforts are of utmost importance to Him, of utmost value, of utmost pleasure to Him! Zeph 3:17 (NIV and NASB)

  3. Thanks for the encouragement Kathy
