Tuesday, July 19, 2022

July 19 - What a banquet

July 19 – Our “Partner Friends of IRM” banquet was tonight

 These "Pots" are huge

Waking up the cool fresh air of Uganda is a good thing and walking into breakfast being greeted by “Good morning Mom” by my son, Alfred, is an extra special thing. Then there is Aaron, who claims he is son #2, with his morning greeting. When you live alone like I do these morning greeting are something to treasure.

The breakfast for the guys remains the same, Matooke with peanut gravy, green spinach, pineapple juice and African tea. While mine was fresh pineapple, French toast, African tea and a wonderful cereal with almonds and dried cranberries. Then I am not sure why but they also brought me a bowl of beans (similar to Pork and Beans but without the pork). Far too much to eat so I saved my French toast for lunch to have with PB&J.

We were to go to town today to do some shopping and get printed the ministry trip report for the Commissioner of Uganda Prisons that we will be having dinner with on Thursday. But things always have a way of changing. They were unable to finish the service on the van yesterday as they found some major seals/gaskets were damaged and had to be replaced to the tune of $495 so Aaron left this morning to pick it up. It is 1pm and not back yet so I pray they have not found something else that need to be repaired.

Alfred decided to take a motor bike to town to get the report printed and wire some funds that were requested by Edward wired to him in Kenya. I had inventoried and packed up all the IRM supplies that will be stored at Alfred’s and packed most of my second suitcase when I had a God given opportunity that I would not have had if I had been gone from the hotel. The very sweet lady, Harriet, that cleans for us and brings our meals came to my room and asked why I was packing since we were not checking out until Friday. It seems she was concerned that I was leaving early but I assured he that the next few days were going to be busy and I was just getting prepared. The conversation continued about how Alfred and I adopted each other which led to me sharing some of what I share with the prisoners. She just kept staying and talking which was not what she usually does so at one point I asked her if she had ever accepted God’s free gift of salvation and asked Jesus to be her Savior to which she responded, “No”. The Holy Spirit gave me the privilege of praying with her to receive Christ. What a sweet, sweet moment. Then her helper appeared and they were off to finish cleaning and I was off praising Jesus.  

I am excited to see 9 couples of IRM ministry partner/friends tonight. Bishop John Kamanzi, the head of Uganda Foursquare, will officiate communion and Alfred will share a message with my urging instead of me. I am just going to enjoy spending time with everyone unless Alfred TRIES to pull me in to speak but I prefer not to as I have done a lot of speaking these past 6 weeks.

Alfred had arranged for a tent in the garden area and it was surrounded inside with IRM colors of red, black and white balloons and the tables were decorated with red and white roses. Oh what a wonderful buffet banquet we had with beef, fish, beef strips in sauce, Matooke for sure, coleslaw w/ pineapple, potatoes, squash, rice, other local foods and a variety of fruits with my favorite pineapple.

I did not realize the whole evening was designed around appreciating IRM and the work I do, I felt humbled by everyone’s words to me but I must admit after the last two weeks it blessed my heart to hear such kind words and then at the end of the banquet they had me sit in a chair outside the tent everyone gathered around me, laid hands on me and prayed for me. Then everyone did the same for Alfred.

What an amazing son God as put in my life and group of pastors and wives, I am truly blessed!

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” Romans 1:16

That none would be lost,



  1. I am glad you had a good day and banquet. Kind people and another lady became a believer in Jesus with your help! Food sounds delicious! I hope the van won't be too expensive to get taken care of. I met a friend at Route 99 Brooks town. We had a Rachel sandwich that had grilled turkey, sauerkraut, cheese and thousand island dressing on it. YUM! It's good to talk with a sister in Jesus I've not had a chance to visit with very long for years. Have a safe rest of your trip and fly home safe, healthy, blessed and happy!

  2. You were blessed and encouraged! How wonderful. You are unwinding a little. Praise the Lord for the salvation of your cleaning lady. The angels in heaven are rejoicing!!!

  3. For all of the work - physically, emotionally and spiritually that you have put into the trip this time, you deserved every one of those words spoken in truth! 😘
