Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 26........

Sunday, June 26
This week was awesome. Pastor Al, Steve and Pastor Roger and Pastor Peter Deyali our translator, were able to do the three day spiritual leaders training at Butare prison. This coming week we will be doing the one day step-up training with Rilima & Nsinda prisons. What a week!!! We had 68 men in the training, 10 guards on the first day of training, three guards on the last day of training and 250 men who watched, listened and stayed with us outside the walls of the training center all three days.

We had seven denominations including three Muslims among our spiritual leaders.
Our first day we spent most of the day on relationship building sharing our testimonies and talking about our background experiences including family pictures. Then Pastor Al did an incredible job of teaching on the results of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. He took us from Adam to the return of Christ in Revelation in about two hours. I followed up his teaching with the 7 miracles at conversion.

The next day we taught on the 7 steps to spiritual growth... we continued to build relationships with personal illustrations and activities to build community. We were attempting to break down some of the denominational boundaries that exit even among prison spiritual leaders. We were emphasizing throughout the teaching of one Lord, one faith, one baptism. We finished the training on the third day with biblical character studies on servant-leadership.

Hierarchy is huge among African churches. Pastor Al finished our teaching with a humbling and incredibly moving illustration by washing one of the men's feet from Mt. 13. Jesus washing the disciples feet.

His question was a great question: What would you do if you only had one day left to live? Jesus met with his disciples and washed their feet, a common thing to do in Israel by the lowest of servants. We trust this teaching will be imbedded in their hearts and minds and their future teaching of others. We had an awesome time as a team and made some very special friends among the prisoners.

To God be the glory,
for the team

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