Thursday, April 8, 2010

Busy days.......

Although this photo reminds me of the work involved in preparing the Kinyarwanda Bibles for distribution, every day here is filled with tasks in preparation for the first IRM led ministry team trip to Rwanda.

Administration duties have now been added to my schedule as IRM's role in Rwanda is expanding.
I am so thankful for all the individuals, gifted in their own area of expertise, that God has brought along side to help. "Team" does not just refer to the groups that will now be accompanying me to Rwanda but to those who so faithfully support me here with their talents.

Two women's sewing groups have stepped up to use their talents to bless the women of Rwanda. The group from Klamath Falls made beautiful scarves and the group from New Life Foursquare church made colorful and sturdy shopping bags. All tangible gifts of God's love.

Norma, my neighbor, has accompanied me to speaking engagements and helped with typing and the packaging of scarves, ties and now the shopping bags that have been so graciously donated by ministry partners. Disposable plastic bags are illegal in Rwanda so purchased or handmade shopping bags are a very useful gift.
My living room and dining room have many suitcases filled with these and other supplies.

My excitement grows as the trip days approach and as I speak with the teammates the excitement in their voices is evident as well.

Hopefully, with God's leading, this is the first of many teams IRM will provide ministry outreach for. Our trip departure date of May 26 will be here before we know it
........48days and counting.



  1. It's good to hear of your updates. I just found your blog link when a prayer request from Mid Valley Community Church came my way today. Now I can keep tabs on you. I will get you some scarves soon, as I have 2 so far. Will look for another one or two this month. --Becky L.

  2. Thank you. It's great to have you "on board"...Arlene
